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More Thoughts On The Oilers New GM + A Correction

July 25, 2024, 4:08 PM ET [76 Comments]
Sean Maloughney
Edmonton Oilers Blogger • RSSArchiveCONTACT
Follow me on Twitter @SMaloughney
For starters, I need to state I made a mistake in my blog yesterday. I wrote about how Stan Bowman, who was complicit in the Kyle Beach sexual assault and assaults of a high school and university student, had written a letter of recommendation for Brad Aldrich after the 2010 incident that helped him to get hired at both of these schools. That was a piece of information that was going around social media at the time. Later in the day it was proven to be false.

I try my best to make sure what I write about is factual and accurate and like many others, I wrote about something that turned out to be false and I have no issues stating that I made a mistake.

That being said, you'll notice that I still write Stan Bowman, who was complicit in the Kyle Beach sexual assault and assaults of a high school and university student. That is because Stan Bowman, who was complicit in the Kyle Beach sexual assault and assaults of a high school and university student, may not have written a letter of recommendation for Aldrich but he remained negligent in the matters.

I find it hard to believe that these schools didn't called the Hawks and Aldrich's former boss and ask of Aldrich; that's fairly standard hiring practice. Keep in mind that Aldrich was not formally fired by the Hawks but instead signed a separation agreement. Even if Stan Bowman, who was complicit in the Kyle Beach sexual assault and assaults of a high school and university student was not directly called, I find it incredibly naïve when people say it isn't his responsibility to know where Aldrich was going with his career. If he didn't know, than he is negligent, and if he did know and didn't say anything than he actively allowed a sexual abuser back into a situation where he could hurt another innocent kid.

I am not putting all of the blame on Stan Bowman, who was complicit in the Kyle Beach sexual assault and assaults of a high school and university student. Joel Quenneville, Al MacIsaac, Rocky Wirtz, I hold all of them accountable in what transpired. Right now the only individual part of all of this who has been rehired by an NHL team is Stan Bowman, who was complicit in the Kyle Beach sexual assault and assaults of a high school and university student.

I write this blog with my own personal opinions, beliefs, and thoughts on anything to do with the Edmonton Oilers. I saw some excellent comments and discussions in the comments in my last blog along with plenty of vitriol and hate and a complete misunderstanding of what sexual assault can do to an individual's life. No one is forcing you to read my blog. If you don't like what I have to say, then don't read.


The press conference yesterday went about as to be expected. The first question was thrown to Oilers employee Bob Stauffer who asked if Stan Bowman, who was complicit in the Kyle Beach sexual assault and assaults of a high school and university student had spoken with Beach prior to being hired by the Oilers. I do appreciate that he had spoken with Kyle Beach and has apparently kept up a dialogue with him over the past months. That is exactly what the fanbase wanted to hear and it's no surprise the Oilers set that up as the first question.

I also appreciate Sheldon Kennedy and his words on the matter and on Stan Bowman, who was complicit in the Kyle Beach sexual assault and assaults of a high school and university student. Respect Group does excellent work in the prevention of bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination and his words do carry weight. At the same time it's difficult to not look at his being there and the statements made as part of a PR move by the Oilers to try and smooth things out.

Jeff Jackson said that fans will have their own opinions on these matters and that he respects what they say, while also making his own Twitter account private the night before announcing this hiring. The Oilers remain an arrogant franchise who believe that they can do whatever they want, face the backlash and still put money in their pockets at the end of the day. Sadly they are likely correct.

The best question from the press conference was from Chelan Skulski of CTV who asked if he had tried to reach out and have a conversation with John Doe 2, the high school student who was assaulted after Aldrich left the Hawks. Stan Bowman, who was complicit in the Kyle Beach sexual assault and assaults of a high school and university student, skirted the question not directly answering or taking any responsibility. It is a difficult watch but here is the interview that Rick Westhead conducted with the mother.


Now fans of the Edmonton Oilers are left with Stan Bowman who was complicit in the Kyle Beach sexual assault and assaults of a high school and university student, as their General Manager. Both the new GM and Jeff Jackson tried to talk the talk at the press conference but they will ultimately be judged by if they can walk the walk. I personally remain adamant that this hire is a black mark on the franchise but I do hope that good can come of it.

The Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton made this post yesterday, detailing the work they do and how the Edmonton Oilers organization should donate funds to their cause if they are serious about being an ally in these endeavors. It is one thing for Stan Bowman, who was complicit in the Kyle Beach sexual assault and assaults of a high school and university student, to talk about how he has changed. It is another to prove it.

Proving he has changed and can help make hockey a safer place will not make myself or anyone wrong in our concerns right now. His previous actions will and should follow him for the rest of his career but making amends in meaningful ways is the first step in moving forward.


These last couple of blogs have been hockey light and discussing heavy topics. I firmly believe these are good and needed conversations to be had but I understand that with everything going on in the world, they want hockey to remain a fun pastime and escape. My next blog will be discussing more hockey related things, specifically if Stan Bowman, who was complicit in the Kyle Beach sexual assault and assaults of a high school and university student, has a recent history of being a good GM.

Spoiler alert... he does not.

Thanks for reading.
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