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Forums :: Vancouver Canucks :: HB Thinktank - Socialism vs. Capitalism: a false dichotomy
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Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Nov 20 @ 4:57 PM ET
Holy crap
Some of the tweets below that clip are hilarious too.

“ Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell just said that Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez rigged the 2020 election.

Hugo Chavez died in 2013.”

“ Sorry but I won’t be comfortable calling him President Biden until he wins Georgia at least two more times.”

thanks for posting that.

- bloatedmosquito

The only thing the Georgia recount proved to me was that Florida should have been recounted in 2000.

517 votes......
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Nov 20 @ 5:04 PM ET
The only thing the Georgia recount proved to me was that Florida should have been recounted in 2000.

517 votes......

- golfingsince

According to a massive months-long study commissioned by eight news organizations in 2001, George W. Bush probably still would have won even if the U.S. Supreme Court had allowed a limited statewide recount to go forward as ordered by Florida’s highest court.

Bush also probably would have won had the state conducted the limited recount of only four heavily Democratic counties that Al Gore asked for, the study found.

On the other hand, the study also found that Gore probably would have won, by a range of 42 to 171 votes out of 6 million cast, had there been a broad recount of all disputed ballots statewide. However, Gore never asked for such a recount. The Florida Supreme Court ordered only a recount of so-called "undervotes," about 62,000 ballots where voting machines didn’t detect any vote for a presidential candidate.

None of these findings are certain.

Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Nov 20 @ 8:51 PM ET
So how do you feel about Bill Gates? He's pretty (frank)ing rich.

I personally feel that he does quite a bit of work trying to help the disadvantaged. However many others I speak with think he's all about making money and control.

- golfingsince

Bill Gates is an evil (frank)er.

I'm going to post facts which you can research if you'd like, I debated these facts from the side of gates being good for years but eventually the little things added up for me and I've changed my mind and decided He's a bad man.

He's on record multiple times advocating for a decrease in the human population.

He's on record as saying we should be working towards fixing the population at 2 billion.

He's on record as saying that we can reduce the global population with vaccines(framed that with an increase in infant mortality, birth rates will drop, but we've seen that that doesn't work, even in China with the one child policy, populations grew).

His companies and foundations were banned from India where the company did unethical experimentations on poor children with a HPV vaccine.


His companies and foundation have been found liable for experimental vaccine projects in Africa, they slipped experimental genetic modifiers into a vaccine which left children severity defected.

He's invested heavily in vaccine research through his non profit and has spent roughly 40B on pharmaceutical research companies.

Oddly enough, over the past 2 years there has appeared to be a scrubbing of the internet of negative articles about gates and a number of funded studies disproving my above claims have been published. The skeptic in me feels that that much money will buy alot of disinformation and the truth will be buried, we won't ever know the truth behind this.

I don't think people can comprehend how much money is 1B, how much power and influence it can purchase. For that reason I would be happy to give everyone who hits a billion dollars a gold credit card that they can use to buy anything they need, but all the savings over and above that should be used for things like solving world hunger.
Give them a good star that says winners of capitalism! Even in Canada, the wealthiest 50 people have made 35B off the banks of the middle class, that money isn't just printed, it's debt some poor slob has incurred and won't be able to pay back.

I'm a capitalist but see the limitations of unfettered capitalism. No corporation should have equal or greater rights then a human being. [/img]
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Nov 20 @ 9:09 PM ET
what exactly are you advocating?

you say that you are worried about a "great reset," but are saying that the system is broken and needs to be re-done. isn't that some sort of grand reset as well?

i really don't understand your point other than the "system," is broken and favours the rich/powerful. well, that's a great insight.

if you are bucking against the system on a large scale, can you not see that the people protesting in the us are doing the same thing on a smaller scale? they just don't see or care about the larger machinations because they are focusing on the micro day-to-day affect it has on their lives. the system might be at fault but it's the cops who are enforcing it on a day to day basis.

yesterday (or previously) you said that people get distracted into fighting amongst each other so they miss who is really to blame... the elites/system. that's just another way of saying, "they don't have the same opinion as me as to who is to blame so they are wrong." where's the open-mindedness?

and with respect to your larger point, what exactly are you advocating? some worldwide insurrection against the system? whatever that means.

- RealityChecker

What am I advocating.... not anarchy or communism, more a decentralization of power and a removal of corporate power in the halls of power.

The world is getting to a gross place, I love my technology and am an early adopter which makes me a hypocrite as many of the devices I use are made with resources based on slave labor and sweat shops. I don't like it and am working at curbing my habits accordingly.

Globally 90 percent of people in the developed world maintain their standard of living on the backs of the 10 percent who actually make things and grow food. This dichotomy is held up by the exploitation of poor countries. Hard thing to say or hear but if the power turned off for a month the vast majority of people would not be capable of sustaining themselves. I'd be ok, but many people I know wouldn't be. There's an exhausting list of useless jobs which just take money and pass it around, from insurance to banking to legal to bureaucracy etc...

For every person generating and delivering food and goods to the plebiscite their are 10 people making money pushing paper around in a false economy. That needs to and will not change.

We've reached a tipping point in the world, so much technology and so much poverty that the disparity needs to be addressed. The problem is human greed, the fat cats will not allow this to occur. The riots in the states are more indicative of peoples anger at the wealth and power gap then it is about simple racism. It's more about disenfranchised stigmatized portions of the population of which some have racist roots) them it does with just police brutality, police are simply the enforcement branch of the establishment(government).
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Nov 20 @ 9:36 PM ET
Bill Gates is an evil (frank)er.

I'm going to post facts which you can research if you'd like, I debated these facts from the side of gates being good for years but eventually the little things added up for me and I've changed my mind and decided He's a bad man.

He's on record multiple times advocating for a decrease in the human population.

He's on record as saying we should be working towards fixing the population at 2 billion.

He's on record as saying that we can reduce the global population with vaccines(framed that with an increase in infant mortality, birth rates will drop, but we've seen that that doesn't work, even in China with the one child policy, populations grew).

His companies and foundations were banned from India where the company did unethical experimentations on poor children with a HPV vaccine.


His companies and foundation have been found liable for experimental vaccine projects in Africa, they slipped experimental genetic modifiers into a vaccine which left children severity defected.

He's invested heavily in vaccine research through his non profit and has spent roughly 40B on pharmaceutical research companies.

Oddly enough, over the past 2 years there has appeared to be a scrubbing of the internet of negative articles about gates and a number of funded studies disproving my above claims have been published. The skeptic in me feels that that much money will buy alot of disinformation and the truth will be buried, we won't ever know the truth behind this.

I don't think people can comprehend how much money is 1B, how much power and influence it can purchase. For that reason I would be happy to give everyone who hits a billion dollars a gold credit card that they can use to buy anything they need, but all the savings over and above that should be used for things like solving world hunger.
Give them a good star that says winners of capitalism! Even in Canada, the wealthiest 50 people have made 35B off the banks of the middle class, that money isn't just printed, it's debt some poor slob has incurred and won't be able to pay back.

I'm a capitalist but see the limitations of unfettered capitalism. No corporation should have equal or greater rights then a human being.

- Pres.cup[/img]

Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Nov 20 @ 9:38 PM ET
What am I advocating.... not anarchy or communism, more a decentralization of power and a removal of corporate power in the halls of power.

- Pres.cup

I mean, what are you advocating politically in practical terms.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Nov 20 @ 9:54 PM ET

- RealityChecker

I have read those, oddly enough 5 years ago the things that I commented on were accepted academic facts, now the internet has been scrubbed and "fact checked" clean. I say fact checked like that because if you follow the money, 99 percent of the media is controlled by three families, there is no such thing as unbiased news. Even 5 years ago there was.

Confirmation bias is real, tell people what they want to believe and they'll believe it. I only recently changed my mind about gates.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Nov 20 @ 10:04 PM ET
I mean, what are you advocating politically in practical terms.
- RealityChecker

In practical terms.... I wish Sanders had been elected or before him Ron Paul.

The one percent tax should have passed(1 percent tax on those who made more then 20m during the pandemic) the liberals and conservatives voted against it.

The police should be defunded with the money's being applied to social treatment programs.

Victimless crimes should be eliminated and the money saved should be spent on treatment and outreach programs.

Politicians should not be a job, should be a set amount of time you can be elected and you should not be allowed to become a paid lobbyist after.

Police should be demiliterized and the government should not have any firearms that a citizen cannot also have.

Any export of military hardware should be illegal.

Should be able to sign a waiver to stay in your car on the ferry.

Laws should be rewritten to be based on human liberty, if it doesn't infringe on someone's liberty it shouldn't be illegal.

A basic human income should be established from the money saved and earned by taxing the super rich and defunding the bureaucracy.

Offshore hiding of monies should be illegal.

Just some talking points....
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Nov 20 @ 10:06 PM ET
I have read those, oddly enough 5 years ago the things that I commented on were accepted academic facts, now the internet has been scrubbed and "fact checked" clean. I say fact checked like that because if you follow the money, 99 percent of the media is controlled by three families, there is no such thing as unbiased news. Even 5 years ago there was.

Confirmation bias is real, tell people what they want to believe and they'll believe it. I only recently changed my mind about gates.

- Pres.cup

so basically: i'll believe what i want to believe regardless of the information out there and those that disagree are sheep. good talk
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Nov 20 @ 10:07 PM ET
In practical terms.... I wish Sanders had been elected or before him Ron Paul.

- Pres.cup

i stopped after that.

do you know that one is a socialist and one is a libertarian? these are opposing ideals. individual vs. the collective.

sorry, like bloated before me, i'm out.

i'm a sheep. you win.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Nov 20 @ 10:22 PM ET
so basically: i'll believe what i want to believe regardless of the information out there and those that disagree are sheep. good talk
- RealityChecker

Actually based on years sitting in the chair you're sitting in and deciding that I was wrong as more and more evidence appeared and then was disappeared from the internet.



https://www.gatesfoundati...t-of-Pneumococcal-Vaccine this one is just too prove that they are rolling out vaccines in the poorest countries in the world because they aren't allowed to push this stuff in the west.


https://www.google.com/am...whats-worrying-bill-gates this one is another pro gates press piece where he discusses population control.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Nov 20 @ 10:27 PM ET
i stopped after that.

do you know that one is a socialist and one is a libertarian? these are opposing ideals. individual vs. the collective.

sorry, like bloated before me, i'm out.

i'm a sheep. you win.

- RealityChecker

Sanders over Biden or Trump

Paul over Clinton or Trump

I don't really see the issue with that and I don't care what labels people attached to them, they are both honest men who are not owned by the lobby.

Lol, they have allot more in common then most others in the halls of power. It's easy to look at their label and decide they are something, it's quite another to look at the actual things they were advocating for and to see if it resonates. Both are outsiders of their respective organizations and haven't been corrupted.

The establishments fear of their changing the status quo caused them to throw in behind first Trump and then Biden.

A simple thing that they have in common that I believe in.
Both believed in stopping the global military complex. This is huge as it wields an enormous lobby.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Nov 20 @ 10:47 PM ET
Sanders over Biden or Trump

Paul over Clinton or Trump

I don't really see the issue with that and I don't care what labels people attached to them, they are both honest men who are not owned by the lobby.

Lol, they have allot more in common then most others in the halls of power. It's easy to look at their label and decide they are something, it's quite another to look at the actual things they were advocating for and to see if it resonates. Both are outsiders of their respective organizations and haven't been corrupted.

The establishments fear of their changing the status quo caused them to throw in behind first Trump and then Biden.

A simple thing that they have in common that I believe in.
Both believed in stopping the global military complex. This is huge as it wields an enormous lobby.

- Pres.cup

One believes in a large government with major oversight/regulation on the economy and a healthy safety net.
One believes in the smallest government possible and letting the market (largely) decide regulation and let the individual provide his own safety net (with private help if needed.)
These are not differences in labels. This is a fundamental difference in how one views the right of the individual vs the right of society and the role of government within it.
Even where their views intersect (drugs/foreign interference/gay rights) they come at these views from opposite viewpoints. This doesn't matter if the results are the same... But it does because it dictates the foundations upon which their governments would have been built (had they been elected.)
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Nov 20 @ 11:23 PM ET
One believes in a large government with major oversight/regulation on the economy and a healthy safety net.
One believes in the smallest government possible and letting the market (largely) decide regulation and let the individual provide his own safety net (with private help if needed.)
These are not differences in labels. This is a fundamental difference in how one views the right of the individual vs the right of society and the role of government within it.
Even where their views intersect (drugs/foreign interference/gay rights) they come at these views from opposite viewpoints. This doesn't matter if the results are the same... But it does because it dictates the foundations upon which their governments would have been built (had they been elected.)

- RealityChecker

And when Paul had a shot 2016 I was fully in board with him rather then any of the other candidates, Hillary is evil.

When Bernie had a shot in 2020, I was fully on board with him rather then any of the other canister (except Tulsa Gabbard), Trump is... well Trump and Biden is also bought and paid for.

Both spoke for change and a shift away from corporationism, Bernie by creating a more inclusive country like Canada with health care and social programs funded by teaching the top 1 percent, Paul by rewriting laws to favor personal freedom (global no more sweat shop profits).

Both would have reduced the stranglehold that powerful corporations hold on the world economy.
I see myself as a libertarian but I also believe that there is a responsibility to help those who need help, hence my basic human income support as well as my decentralization of power and elimination of the bureaucracy support.

Honestly the best things come from the overlap but most are too busy touting their way only to see that the overlap that you even mentioned is far more important then the differences that divide.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Nov 20 @ 11:27 PM ET
what the fcuk, over, bit eccentric yes

No to 1% tax
No, increase police budgets
No there should be no treatment centres, do drugs and die, well it’s your fault.
Being a politician is a career, if you stifle one profession then stifle them all.
Police should be given every fcuking tool available
Transport Canada has rules to keep you safe at sea, quit being selfish
Laws are required to maintain law and order, your thoughts above infringe on my sanity.
Get a fcuking job and earn your way in life, fcuk free rides, fcuk tent cities, fcuk everyone getting a basic wage, earn your way and get paid for your own fcuking initiative and hard work. Love bureaucracy should have increased bureaucracy to make fcukwads earn their way.
Why, is the money hiding effecting others rights to free fcuking rides

BTW, cool talking points

- Makita

The bureaucracy is essentially a way of ensuring that lazy ducks get free money and a free ride while contributing nothing to civilization(a small minority who do actually work hard is an exception). No difference between them and a basic human wage. Both are being paid by the tax payer to do essentially nothing of value except push paper and both would have a check forever.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Nov 20 @ 11:31 PM ET
And when Paul had a shot 2016 I was fully in board with him rather then any of the other candidates, Hillary is evil.

When Bernie had a shot in 2020, I was fully on board with him rather then any of the other canister (except Tulsa Gabbard), Trump is... well Trump and Biden is also bought and paid for.

Both spoke for change and a shift away from corporationism, Bernie by creating a more inclusive country like Canada with health care and social programs funded by teaching the top 1 percent, Paul by rewriting laws to favor personal freedom (global no more sweat shop profits).

Both would have reduced the stranglehold that powerful corporations hold on the world economy.
I see myself as a libertarian but I also believe that there is a responsibility to help those who need help, hence my basic human income support as well as my decentralization of power and elimination of the bureaucracy support.

Honestly the best things come from the overlap but most are too busy touting their way only to see that the overlap that you even mentioned is far more important then the differences that divide.

- Pres.cup

I'm sorry. You're all over the map.

I don't doubt your sincerity and desire for good.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: #theonlyrealfan, BC
Joined: 02.16.2007

Nov 20 @ 11:31 PM ET

The bureaucracy is essentially a way of ensuring that lazy ducks get free money and a free ride while contributing nothing to civilization(a small minority who do actually work hard is an exception). No difference between them and a basic human wage. Both are being paid by the tax payer to do essentially nothing of value except push paper and both would have a check forever.

- Pres.cup

Yeah, I was just being facetious, I just tried the opposite of everything you posted, it was a welcome to the sacred members only secret thread.

Hopefully you were vetted before entry, I’ll reach out to the gang leader to make sure.

Marwood what say you, oh exalted one
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Nov 21 @ 12:24 AM ET
I'm sorry. You're all over the map.

I don't doubt your sincerity and desire for good.

- RealityChecker

One day perhaps over the course of a bottle of scotch we can discuss in detail what i mean philosophically.

Essentially human liberty and freedoms are the ideals.

Libertarianism has been branded as a far right when it's not really. Once your earnings start to infringe on others freedoms or ability to generate wealth then you're breaking the law. Global libertarianism would disallow the hoarding of fiat currency and wealth generated by sweat shop labor. I belive all laws should be written with an eye to human liberty and freedom, hence libertarian. I also think that wealthy country shouldn't be engaged in corporate welfare or wasting money on things that don't increase the liberty of the plebiscite, hence socialist.

I guess you can say I support drug decriminalization, but I also support gun ownership.

So am I right or left wing, I'm neither but will support that which most closely supports my personal politics, like weed legalization or anti gun control.
No conservative political party supports decriminalization or human basic income.
No liberal political party supports gun freedom.

So in a vacuum, if a all things are equal, and one political party says they are for gun freedom, I'll support them, if they say they are for the HBI, I'll support them.

It's complex and I'm not a card caring member of any party but I am politically motivated and do cast my ballot in an educated manner to that which best supports my views.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Nov 21 @ 12:28 AM ET
One day perhaps over the course of a bottle of scotch we can discuss in detail what i mean philosophically.

Essentially human liberty and freedoms are the ideals.

Libertarianism has been branded as a far right when it's not really. Once your earnings start to infringe on others freedoms or ability to generate wealth then you're breaking the law. Global libertarianism would disallow the hoarding of fiat currency and wealth generated by sweat shop labor. I belive all laws should be written with an eye to human liberty and freedom, hence libertarian. I also think that wealthy country shouldn't be engaged in corporate welfare or wasting money on things that don't increase the liberty of the plebiscite, hence socialist.

I guess you can say I support drug decriminalization, but I also support gun ownership.

So am I right or left wing, I'm neither but will support that which most closely supports my personal politics, like weed legalization or anti gun control.
No conservative political party supports decriminalization or human basic income.
No liberal political party supports gun freedom.

So in a vacuum, if a all things are equal, and one political party says they are for gun freedom, I'll support them, if they say they are for the HBI, I'll support them.

It's complex and I'm not a card caring member of any party but I am politically motivated and do cast my ballot in an educated manner to that which best supports my views.

- Pres.cup

I want my version of utopia too.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Nov 21 @ 12:31 AM ET
I want my version of utopia too.
- RealityChecker

Express it freely, hikers and candles at night singing lullabies?

I wouldn't dream of oppressing it
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Nov 21 @ 12:48 AM ET
Yeah, I was just being facetious, I just tried the opposite of everything you posted, it was a welcome to the sacred members only secret thread.

Hopefully you were vetted before entry, I’ll reach out to the gang leader to make sure.

Marwood what say you, oh exalted one

- Makita

I'm still trying to figure out the white-wash Nazi shaming from last night.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Nov 21 @ 12:52 AM ET
I'm still trying to figure out the white-wash Nazi shaming from last night.
- Marwood

We all are
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Nov 21 @ 12:53 AM ET
Yeah, I was just being facetious, I just tried the opposite of everything you posted, it was a welcome to the sacred members only secret thread.

Hopefully you were vetted before entry, I’ll reach out to the gang leader to make sure.

Marwood what say you, oh exalted one

- Makita

Boys are asleep, I'm writing to many essays.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Victoria, BC
Joined: 07.01.2007

Nov 21 @ 11:36 AM ET
Express it freely, hikers and candles at night singing lullabies?

I wouldn't dream of oppressing it

- Pres.cup

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us!
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Nov 21 @ 11:41 AM ET
The Forth Industrial Revolution is upon us!
- Pacificgem

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