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Forums :: Vancouver Canucks :: HB Thinktank - Socialism vs. Capitalism: a false dichotomy
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Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Feb 15 @ 1:06 PM ET

Watch as mass media continues to push regular people into boxes labeled as racist, bigots, alt right, etc...
The irony of this is it's text book bigotry. The 73m people who voted for rump aren't all racists. Labeling them just avoids the conversation and furthers the divide between them and the communists.

- Pres.cup

It’s not “mass media”, this is what America wants. They have never been united. They’ve been too distracted with world domination to notice how much they hate each other. This is the inevitable end to a two party system; us against them.

Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Feb 15 @ 6:42 PM ET
here's what i get from what you write.

- RealityChecker

See, this guy gets it, they're all racists if they don't agree with everything the left pushes... get ready for the re-education camps for any of the 73m Trump voters.....
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Feb 15 @ 6:47 PM ET
It’s not “mass media”, this is what America wants. They have never been united. They’ve been too distracted with world domination to notice how much they hate each other. This is the inevitable end to a two party system; us against them.

- bloatedmosquito

The left will eat it's own eventually. Cancel culture will slowly carve regular people out and declare them not woke enough as the progressive movement becomes progressively intolerant of dissenting opinions. Honestly that's happened in here, I consider myself left but due to some of my opinions, I'm labeled far right....
If you've noticed the mainstream media has stopped calling the capital riots a coup, it's now an insurrection which is factually accurate, just like any riot is.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Feb 15 @ 7:27 PM ET
The left will eat it's own eventually. Cancel culture will slowly carve regular people out and declare them not woke enough as the progressive movement becomes progressively intolerant of dissenting opinions. Honestly that's happened in here, I consider myself left but due to some of my opinions, I'm labeled far right....
"If you've noticed the mainstream media has stopped calling the capital riots a coup, it's now an insurrection which is factually accurate, just like any riot is.

- Pres.cup

1) Watch as mass media continues to push regular people into boxes labeled as racist, bigots, alt right, etc...
The irony of this is it's text book bigotry."-
your post from earlier.

You've admitted before that you believe in ACAB. That means that you believe that an individual is identified by what you consider a characteristic of the group i.e. you are a bigot.

so why should we listen to the stance of an admitted bigot when discussing who and who isn't a bigot?

2) The highlighted words from your post are just ways of labelling people. So are you against labels or just against other people labeling things/people in ways you disagree?
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Feb 15 @ 7:58 PM ET
1) Watch as mass media continues to push regular people into boxes labeled as racist, bigots, alt right, etc...
The irony of this is it's text book bigotry."-
your post from earlier.

You've admitted before that you believe in ACAB. That means that you believe that an individual is identified by what you consider a characteristic of the group i.e. you are a bigot.

so why should we listen to the stance of an admitted bigot when discussing who and who isn't a bigot?

2) The highlighted words from your post are just ways of labelling people. So are you against labels or just against other people labeling things/people in ways you disagree?

- RealityChecker

First, solid post.
Labeling people in a negative manner based on their association with a group is the issue. I don't think I used any of those words to negativity associate members of the left, in fact I disassociated them from negative aspects of their self professed association....

Mass media isn't a person, it's a corporation, it's not singling out journalists when discussing mass media, or left media, or cancel culture. It would of the statement or assumption was that they are all the same and call them all socialists etc... however in the statement "the left will eat it's own" it specifically highlights the differences amidst those of a left wing ideology and doesn't frame them in a derogatory light which is what would make it bigotry.

Had I, in a debate with someone who identifies as leftist, called them something derogatory based on what some of their peers believed (such as antifa or communist, etc...) then I would be being a bigot. I don't think that I have and if I have then, yes, call me out on that. Calling me a Trumpist or alt right because I don't believe the capital riots were that bad is an example of bigotry.

Now your other take, ACAB, All Cops Are Bastards as bigotry, is an interesting take. I respectfully disagree that it's bigotry because it excludes singular officers and means the force as a whole is failing in their duty, I'll elaborate further.

It doesn’t actually mean every single cop is a bad cop, just like saying Black Lives Matter doesn’t mean white lives don’t. “ACAB” means every single police officer is complicit in a system that actively devalues the lives of people of color. Bad cops are encouraged in their harm by the silence of the ones who see themselves as “good.”

Holding one police officer accountable every time a black person is killed by police is not enough. The issue isn’t “a few bad apples”; it’s a tree that is rotting from the inside out, spreading its poison.

The fraternity culture of the American police force — where the bad ones lead and the good ones stay silent — has got to go. We don’t need to end police brutality; we need to end policing, period.

We are told the police are designed to serve and protect, and to some degree, that is true. They serve their own interests and protect the white and wealthy. Racism is written into the American criminal justice system, well exemplified by the sentencing guidelines for powder cocaine compared to crack cocaine: the same drug, except one is more prevalent among the white and wealthy, and another is more prevalent among the poor and black.

If the goal of the police is to protect lives and property from unsafe people, they are objectively failing as they continue to kill black men and women at disproportionate rates.

There are concerns about the idea of abolishing the police force — some worry women would be less safe, for instance, and would have no one to call if they were subject to domestic violence or rape. But police are already failing domestic violence and rape victims. With 40 percent of American police officers involved in domestic violence at home, can we trust them to protect victims if they perpetuate the same violence? There are community initiatives to protect domestic violence victims that are safer and more trustworthy, like shelters, hotlines, and individuals within the community. Beyond that, 60 percent of DV victims didn’t want police involved in the first place, and police presence makes one in three survivors feel less safe. Add to that the disgracefully low conviction rate for rape victims, and it’s clear that the police fail all women every day as well.

People with untreated mental illness are 16 times more likely to be killed by the police. Black men face a one in 1,000 chance of dying at the hands of a cop. The wives of abused police are forced to live with abusers who have access to guns in fear of their lives. If police aren’t protecting women, people in mental duress, and black people, who exactly are they protecting?

That's probably a big enough essay, I did lift some quotes to buff it out, but I hope that it highlights the reasons that ACAB shouldn't be considered bigotry.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Feb 15 @ 8:04 PM ET

First, solid post. Mass media isn't a person, it's a corporation, it's not singling out journalists when discussing mass media, or left media, or cancel culture. It would of the statement or assumption was that they are all the same and call them all socialists etc... however in the statement "the left will eat it's own" it specifically highlights the differences amidst those of a left wing ideology and doesn't frame them in a derogatory light which is what would make it bigotry.

Had I, in a debate with someone who identifies as leftist, called them something derogatory based on what some of their peers believed (such as antifa or communist, etc...) then I would be being a bigot. I don't think that I have and if I have then, yes, call me out on that. Calling me a Trumpist or alt right because I don't believe the capital riots were that bad is an example of bigotry.

Now your other take, ACAB, All Cops Are Bastards as bigotry, is an interesting take. I respectfully disagree that it's bigotry because it excludes singular officers and means the force as a whole is failing in their duty, I'll elaborate further.

It doesn’t actually mean every single cop is a bad cop, just like saying Black Lives Matter doesn’t mean white lives don’t. “ACAB” means every single police officer is complicit in a system that actively devalues the lives of people of color. Bad cops are encouraged in their harm by the silence of the ones who see themselves as “good.”

Holding one police officer accountable every time a black person is killed by police is not enough. The issue isn’t “a few bad apples”; it’s a tree that is rotting from the inside out, spreading its poison.

The fraternity culture of the American police force — where the bad ones lead and the good ones stay silent — has got to go. We don’t need to end police brutality; we need to end policing, period.

We are told the police are designed to serve and protect, and to some degree, that is true. They serve their own interests and protect the white and wealthy. Racism is written into the American criminal justice system, well exemplified by the sentencing guidelines for powder cocaine compared to crack cocaine: the same drug, except one is more prevalent among the white and wealthy, and another is more prevalent among the poor and black.

If the goal of the police is to protect lives and property from unsafe people, they are objectively failing as they continue to kill black men and women at disproportionate rates.

There are concerns about the idea of abolishing the police force — some worry women would be less safe, for instance, and would have no one to call if they were subject to domestic violence or rape. But police are already failing domestic violence and rape victims. With 40 percent of American police officers involved in domestic violence at home, can we trust them to protect victims if they perpetuate the same violence? There are community initiatives to protect domestic violence victims that are safer and more trustworthy, like shelters, hotlines, and individuals within the community. Beyond that, 60 percent of DV victims didn’t want police involved in the first place, and police presence makes one in three survivors feel less safe. Add to that the disgracefully low conviction rate for rape victims, and it’s clear that the police fail all women every day as well.

People with untreated mental illness are 16 times more likely to be killed by the police. Black men face a one in 1,000 chance of dying at the hands of a cop. The wives of abused police are forced to live with abusers who have access to guns in fear of their lives. If police aren’t protecting women, people in mental duress, and black people, who exactly are they protecting?

That's probably a big enough essay, I did lift some quotes to buff it out, but I hope that it highlights the reasons that ACAB shouldn't be considered bigotry.

- Pres.cup

Lol - I'm not reading that. Your justifications are for yourself.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Feb 15 @ 8:11 PM ET
Lol - I'm not reading that. Your justifications are for yourself.
- RealityChecker

Liar, you'll read it....

Not justifications, you seem to be having a slight issue in wrapping your head around the definition of bigotry and how it pertains to your life and viewpoint. Most people find it uncomfortable to be confronted with opinions and facts that vary from their own.

I merely provided more actual data to illustrate the difference between your accusation and actual bigotry, but, go ahead and maintain your echo chamber.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Feb 15 @ 8:34 PM ET
Liar, you'll read it....

Not justifications, you seem to be having a slight issue in wrapping your head around the definition of bigotry and how it pertains to your life and viewpoint. Most people find it uncomfortable to be confronted with opinions and facts that vary from their own.

I merely provided more actual data to illustrate the difference between your accusation and actual bigotry, but, go ahead and maintain your echo chamber.

- Pres.cup

Lol - I actually won't and didn't. Usually your posts will diverge into a few different tributaries. Within each of those I'll find several points of disagreement (or more likely factual error.). I'll respond re: one of those points and you'll respond with a post that diverges into a few different tributaries. Within each of those I'll find several points of disagreement (or more likely factual error.). I'll respond re: one of those points and you'll respond...

Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Feb 15 @ 8:39 PM ET
Lol - I actually won't and didn't. Usually your posts will diverge into a few different tributaries. Within each of those I'll find several points of disagreement (or more likely factual error.). I'll respond re: one of those points and you'll respond with a post that diverges into a few different tributaries. Within each of those I'll find several points of disagreement (or more likely factual error.). I'll respond re: one of those points and you'll respond...

- RealityChecker

Isn't that exactly what you did?

Actually, I stuck to ACAB and your bolded statements, no divergence this time.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Feb 15 @ 8:49 PM ET
Isn't that exactly what you did?

Actually, I stuck to ACAB and your bolded statements, no divergence this time.

- Pres.cup

And that's the point. I got on the ride and jumped off. Even whack a mole has to end sometime.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Feb 15 @ 8:51 PM ET
And that's the point. I got on the ride and jumped off. Even whack a mole has to end sometime.
- RealityChecker

You'll be back...

Good stuff except it pushes misinformation ....
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Feb 15 @ 9:02 PM ET
1) Watch as mass media continues to push regular people into boxes labeled as racist, bigots, alt right, etc...
The irony of this is it's text book bigotry."-
your post from earlier.

You've admitted before that you believe in ACAB. That means that you believe that an individual is identified by what you consider a characteristic of the group i.e. you are a bigot.

so why should we listen to the stance of an admitted bigot when discussing who and who isn't a bigot?

2) The highlighted words from your post are just ways of labelling people. So are you against labels or just against other people labeling things/people in ways you disagree?

- RealityChecker

Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Feb 16 @ 12:49 AM ET
here's what i get from what you write.

- RealityChecker

Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Feb 16 @ 8:30 PM ET
Step one.


I think this is the start of a needed change.
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Feb 16 @ 8:49 PM ET
Step one.


I think this is the start of a needed change.

- bloatedmosquito

I grew up with guns and i'm fine with a handgun ban, aside from maybe trappers. Even then, who needs to wear one in town.

The gross thing about handguns is how easily they're concealed.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Feb 16 @ 10:05 PM ET
I grew up with guns and i'm fine with a handgun ban, aside from maybe trappers. Even then, who needs to wear one in town.

The gross thing about handguns is how easily they're concealed.

- golfingsince

I agree. Nothing against hunting or hunting rifles. Your point about using hand guns in the back woods is a good one though. Easier to carry and wield than a rifle.
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Feb 16 @ 10:28 PM ET
I agree. Nothing against hunting or hunting rifles. Your point about using hand guns in the back woods is a good one though. Easier to carry and wield than a rifle.
- bloatedmosquito

Vancouver Canucks
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 07.11.2015

Feb 17 @ 4:50 PM ET
I grew up with guns and i'm fine with a handgun ban, aside from maybe trappers. Even then, who needs to wear one in town.

The gross thing about handguns is how easily they're concealed.

- golfingsince

Didn't even know handguns were allowed in Vancouver. Craziness. No idea why anyone in a large city in Canada would need a handgun (aside from, as you said, hunting). Heard a comedian talk a while ago about Canada... something like most Canadians keep their front doors unlocked as is, and if you were to open the door and walk in the first thing they would say is "Can I help you?" We're so polite, but also it never even comes across that we might be being robbed/attacked.
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Feb 17 @ 5:56 PM ET
Didn't even know handguns were allowed in Vancouver. Craziness. No idea why anyone in a large city in Canada would need a handgun (aside from, as you said, hunting). Heard a comedian talk a while ago about Canada... something like most Canadians keep their front doors unlocked as is, and if you were to open the door and walk in the first thing they would say is "Can I help you?" We're so polite, but also it never even comes across that we might be being robbed/attacked.
- NewYorkNuck

I do.

To be fair, my wife usually locks it at night or I lock it if we all leave for the day. I was like that before we had a 150lb dog. Now I figure if someone walks in he's going to be pretty busy for a few minutes.
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Feb 17 @ 6:20 PM ET
Didn't even know handguns were allowed in Vancouver. Craziness. No idea why anyone in a large city in Canada would need a handgun (aside from, as you said, hunting). Heard a comedian talk a while ago about Canada... something like most Canadians keep their front doors unlocked as is, and if you were to open the door and walk in the first thing they would say is "Can I help you?" We're so polite, but also it never even comes across that we might be being robbed/attacked.
- NewYorkNuck

I prefer a crossbow, anyways.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Feb 17 @ 7:15 PM ET
Just reading about this Texan snow storm and blackout. They are a mess. Amazing that they are totally unable to cope with it.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 07.11.2015

Feb 17 @ 10:17 PM ET
Just reading about this Texan snow storm and blackout. They are a mess. Amazing that they are totally unable to cope with it.
- bloatedmosquito

You read that post the mayor of the small town in Texas made? Disgusting

Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Feb 18 @ 12:09 AM ET
I grew up with guns and i'm fine with a handgun ban, aside from maybe trappers. Even then, who needs to wear one in town.

The gross thing about handguns is how easily they're concealed.

- golfingsince

I've been in the bush, a hand gun is very... handy.

Right now, the way the laws are, you can't walk around with a handgun. You need to call the cops and tell them your address and gun club location. You're only allowed to securely transport it to the range and back home. Crimes do not happen with registered handsguns, whether people "like" them or not, they don't cause any danger. Spend the money on illegal guns.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Making the most of the worst situation... Canuck fan 4life , BC
Joined: 12.23.2014

Feb 18 @ 12:14 AM ET
You read that post the mayor of the small town in Texas made? Disgusting

- NewYorkNuck

Wow, can't believe that. I'd imagine election season is a while away. Gross
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Feb 18 @ 12:39 PM ET
Wow, can't believe that. I'd imagine election season is a while away. Gross
- Pres.cup

He wrote that and then resigned. It was his parting shot at his constituents.
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