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Forums :: Vancouver Canucks :: HB Thinktank - Socialism vs. Capitalism: a false dichotomy
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Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 7 @ 11:35 AM ET
lol like when you call folks racist? Typical Libtard response when you have zero arguments champ. I see it from the indoctrinated folks everywhere now. Speaking of rent-free lol. Don't dish it out if you can take it...
- LordHumungous

Do you see me running away, fool?
You are white trash, scared of anyone different from you.

I'll give you some time to clean the tears & snot from your screen before your next juvenile freak out.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Jan 7 @ 11:48 AM ET
Of course it's being normalized what else can they do? Why slander a product publicly as they know now how ineffective these 'vaccines' have been. What are they on now the 6th dose in less than 3 years? lol that's not a vaccine dude and you know it.

1966-2004: 1101 athletes suffered from cardiac events and died.

2021-2022: 1598 athletes suffered from cardiac events and died.

Nothing to see right? Look at the numbers until the numbers no longer fit the narrative correct? Many of this will get sluffed over on MSM but it's happening. One just needs to ope the eyes.

It's like what Kissinger said to the WHO council on eugenics in Feb of 2009:

'Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations it's game over. They will accept anything at that point. Forced blood or Organ donations - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them---"for the greater good". Control the sheep minds and you control the herd. All the while vaccine manufacturers stand to make billions and many of you right here in this room are investors but just don't know it. It's win-win. The herd gets thinned out and the herd pays us for it'. Remarkable eh?

- LordHumungous

I like you Lordy but you are so brainwashed I’m concerned. Your Kissinger quote above is complete fabrication, as is the rest of your “science”. There are many articles about alt-right folks using this Kissinger quote but it’s BS.


Can you provide any evidence that athletes are having more episodes of heart issues after vaccination?
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 7 @ 11:51 AM ET
I like you Lordy but you are so brainwashed I’m concerned. Your Kissinger quote above is complete fabrication, as is the rest of your “science”. There are many articles about alt-right folks using this Kissinger quote but it’s BS.


Can you provide any evidence that athletes are having more episodes of heart issues after vaccination?

- bloatedmosquito

He's gone and you will never get an answer or he'll just regurgitate some Alex Jones bile.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Jan 7 @ 12:02 PM ET
He's gone and you will never get an answer or he'll just regurgitate some Alex Jones bile.
- Marwood

What got me suspicious about the legitimacy of Lordy’s post was the WHO Council on Eugenics. WHO has always condemned the term “eugenics” and is quoted in saying

“Eugenics is an inaccurate theory linked to historical and present-day forms of discrimination, racism, ableism and colonialism.”

In the article I posted from Reuters, it stated it could not verify an event titled “WHO Council on Eugenics”. A spokesperson for the WHO confirmed to Reuters via email that no such council or event exists.

Lordy asks me to “open my eyes” but then follows it up with a bald-faced lie. How does one take that seriously?
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 7 @ 12:21 PM ET
What got me suspicious about the legitimacy of Lordy’s post was the WHO Council on Eugenics. WHO has always condemned the term “eugenics” and is quoted in saying

“Eugenics is an inaccurate theory linked to historical and present-day forms of discrimination, racism, ableism and colonialism.”

In the article I posted from Reuters, it stated it could not verify an event titled “WHO Council on Eugenics”. A spokesperson for the WHO confirmed to Reuters via email that no such council or event exists.

Lordy asks me to “open my eyes” but then follows it up with a bald-faced lie. How does one take that seriously?

- bloatedmosquito

One doesn't. It's a bizarre phenomenon, I have family on the island here that have gone bat-shit crazy since the conspiracy theory brainwashing went into hyper overdrive. I have a cousins daughter with a newborn with brain bleeds and organ failure and these family members instead of showing empathy & compassion, attacked the parents for being vaccinated and therefore harming their baby. Fucking gross!! Needless to say, they are not invited to the next family reunion.

They are also heavily involved in "Stop the Steal" since their daughter and husband live in Pennsylvania.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 07.11.2015

Jan 7 @ 12:41 PM ET
I like you Lordy but you are so brainwashed I’m concerned. Your Kissinger quote above is complete fabrication, as is the rest of your “science”. There are many articles about alt-right folks using this Kissinger quote but it’s BS.


Can you provide any evidence that athletes are having more episodes of heart issues after vaccination?

- bloatedmosquito

Those numbers are also without any context: how many more athletes are there now than before? How were the numbers recorded? What leagues/countries? Why are 17 years omitted?

Dumb micro penis numbers from a dumb micro penis narrative. Maybe if they were in a percentage format it'd be easier to compare, but we all know how Lordy is with percentages and math
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Jan 7 @ 5:40 PM ET
All this talk about pedophiles gave me a flashback to that RCMP officer that offered me a ride one day when I was walking home from school. He kept asking if I wanted to pet his squirrel
Seattle Kraken
Location: BC
Joined: 11.11.2010

Jan 8 @ 5:25 PM ET
lol the lil' champs don't like that I can provide facts vs the narrative in here. Remarkable how blind folks are to sh!t happening right in front of them. No different than Booner putting them in their places.
- LordHumungous

Seattle Kraken
Location: BC
Joined: 11.11.2010

Jan 8 @ 5:28 PM ET
Greta may be alot of things but what we know is that she is a UN pawn pushing a bullsh!t climate narrative for the purposes of massive profit margins. All Tate did was call her out on the fraud and pawn that she is. Mad respect for that.
- LordHumungous

calls out pedos and has mad props for a pedo

you can't make this poop up.
Seattle Kraken
Location: BC
Joined: 11.11.2010

Jan 8 @ 5:31 PM ET
lol like when you call folks racist? Typical Libtard response when you have zero arguments champ. I see it from the indoctrinated folks everywhere now. Speaking of rent-free lol. Don't dish it out if you can take it...
- LordHumungous

You are a racist piece of shit, you prove it every time you post.
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 8 @ 8:37 PM ET
You are a racist piece of shit, you prove it every time you post.
- 1970vintage

He's also a scared, little coward like most bullies.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 07.11.2015

Jan 11 @ 8:49 AM ET

Can you provide any evidence

- bloatedmosquito

Looks like Lord Micro Penis and his "evidence" have vanished
Seattle Kraken
Location: BC
Joined: 11.11.2010

Jan 11 @ 9:18 AM ET
Looks like Lord Micro Penis and his "evidence" have vanished
- NewYorkNuck

There is no evidence, only narrative.
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 11 @ 10:03 AM ET
Looks like Lord Micro Penis and his "evidence" have vanished
- NewYorkNuck

I called him out on the main page and his excuse was doing dinner in drag for his nieces.
Location: “Who are we to think we’re anybody?” - Tocchet. Penticton, BC
Joined: 04.26.2012

Jan 11 @ 12:22 PM ET
What a sh1t show in here!
Vancouver Canucks
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 07.11.2015

Jan 11 @ 12:28 PM ET
What a sh1t show in here!
- VanHockeyGuy

Agreed, go back to the totally normal 431 page main blog where everyone is sane
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 12 @ 11:18 AM ET
* waits to be schooled by an unhinged racist*
Seattle Kraken
Location: BC
Joined: 11.11.2010

Jan 13 @ 5:31 PM ET
I appreciate you being able to have a civil conversation about it... that is a skill many don't have. Agree with this point as well.
- SMP8719

There are certain professions where there are requirements that other people don’t need to meet some very strict standards. Healthcare, Military etc. Employees in those professions are required to do things that the rest of society don’t, and don’t understand. I agree that most employers should not be able to mandate vaccination or other things like that, but if you are in a position where you interact with a large number of vulnerable people, your responsibility is to protect them.

As far as being allowed to go out for dinner, see a movie in a theatre or get on a plane, that’s not a societal right, it’s a privilege. I didn’t travel anywhere between March 2020 and October 2022. Not because I wasn’t allowed, but because it was simply too much trouble.

Here’s the problem with discourse. Take masks for example. Personally, I don’t wear one, anywhere. That’s my choice. When masks were mandatory I did wear one. Now, when I see someone walking down the street, outside, on their own wearing a mask I’ll admit I chuckle to myself, but the loud portion of the population who are anti this/that feel a need to yell at them, deride them, shame them etc. Why do you (no you you) care what someone else does that has no impact on you? These people make the rest of us look at the anti’s as ignorant bullys.

There’s literally only one person who posts here that is incapable of having an actual conversation.
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 13 @ 6:07 PM ET
There are certain professions where there are requirements that other people don’t need to meet some very strict standards. Healthcare, Military etc. Employees in those professions are required to do things that the rest of society don’t, and don’t understand. I agree that most employers should not be able to mandate vaccination or other things like that, but if you are in a position where you interact with a large number of vulnerable people, your responsibility is to protect them.

As far as being allowed to go out for dinner, see a movie in a theatre or get on a plane, that’s not a societal right, it’s a privilege. I didn’t travel anywhere between March 2020 and October 2022. Not because I wasn’t allowed, but because it was simply too much trouble.

Here’s the problem with discourse. Take masks for example. Personally, I don’t wear one, anywhere. That’s my choice. When masks were mandatory I did wear one. Now, when I see someone walking down the street, outside, on their own wearing a mask I’ll admit I chuckle to myself, but the loud portion of the population who are anti this/that feel a need to yell at them, deride them, shame them etc. Why do you (no you you) care what someone else does that has no impact on you? These people make the rest of us look at the anti’s as ignorant bullys.

There’s literally only one person who posts here that is incapable of having an actual conversation.

- 1970vintage

Well said.
Vegas Golden Knights
Location: On the road again
Joined: 01.04.2021

Jan 14 @ 12:42 PM ET
Looks like Lord Micro Penis and his "evidence" have vanished
- NewYorkNuck

I’m a right leaning person but it’s people like lord micro penis that get the Trudeaus and Bidens elected. Because they shout their far right lies so loudly that it scares anyone in the middle and makes them lean left. If they’d all just shut the (frank) up we’d all be better off.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Jan 15 @ 10:56 AM ET
lol ya and he's been released already with all charges dropped champ. Greta and the WEF clowns couldn't take his truths online so they called the men in Black. "swatted' as they say with the SWAT team. Love that guy says it like it is. Poor little UN pawn Greta and the WEF clowns sure don't like it when the truth comes out. Poor little things...climate change and all
- LordHumungous

This post is aging very well and really shows Lordy’s view on reality.

Tate still in custody with all of his Romania assets now being seized. Lordy’s definition of “released” is different than mine.

Greta Thunberg is a 19 year old female environmentalist with autism and turrets but somehow has managed to take control of the entire world. Who would have thunk an autistic Swedish teenager would be revealed as the The Puppet Master.

That the World Economic Forum and United Nations are so rattled by a retired MMA fighter turned internet porn creator, that they manipulate the Romanian government to “swat” him. I guess the UN and WEF don’t have a lot going on right now. I heard their next big hit will be ordering 20 pizzas to Tucker Carlson’s house. Savage.

Men in Black is not an actual policing organization, but rather a successful movie franchise. Saying that, the US government has received over 350 new reports of “unidentified aerial phenomenon,” commonly known as UFOs, since March of 2021. Half of which are so far unexplained!

Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 15 @ 11:26 AM ET
This post is aging very well and really shows Lordy’s view on reality.

Tate still in custody with all of his Romania assets now being seized. Lordy’s definition of “released” is different than mine.

Greta Thunberg is a 19 year old female environmentalist with autism and turrets but somehow has managed to take control of the entire world. Who would have thunk an autistic Swedish teenager would be revealed as the The Puppet Master.

That the World Economic Forum and United Nations are so rattled by a retired MMA fighter turned internet porn creator, that they manipulate the Romanian government to “swat” him. I guess the UN and WEF don’t have a lot going on right now. I heard their next big hit will be ordering 20 pizzas to Tucker Carlson’s house. Savage.

Men in Black is not an actual policing organization, but rather a successful movie franchise. Saying that, the US government has received over 350 new reports of “unidentified aerial phenomenon,” commonly known as UFOs, since March of 2021. Half of which are so far unexplained!


- bloatedmosquito

Vancouver Canucks
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 07.11.2015

Jan 16 @ 11:36 AM ET
Doing a little of my own non-MSM research this morning, came across some startling numbers. Before the smallpox vaccine was invented and rolled out, ZERO plane crashes. After the smallpox vaccine? Over 100,000 PLANE CRASHES AND COUNTING.

Don't fly with others who have the smallpox vaccine. You're much more likely to crash.
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 16 @ 11:43 AM ET
Doing a little of my own non-MSM research this morning, came across some startling numbers. Before the smallpox vaccine was invented and rolled out, ZERO plane crashes. After the smallpox vaccine? Over 100,000 PLANE CRASHES AND COUNTING.

Don't fly with others who have the smallpox vaccine. You're much more likely to crash.

- NewYorkNuck

Good digging.
Location: Systemic failure / Slurptastic
Joined: 10.12.2008

Jan 16 @ 2:21 PM ET
Doing a little of my own non-MSM research this morning, came across some startling numbers. Before the smallpox vaccine was invented and rolled out, ZERO plane crashes. After the smallpox vaccine? Over 100,000 PLANE CRASHES AND COUNTING.

Don't fly with others who have the smallpox vaccine. You're much more likely to crash.

- NewYorkNuck

Tick tock
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