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Forums :: Vancouver Canucks :: HB Thinktank - Socialism vs. Capitalism: a false dichotomy
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Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 31 @ 11:51 AM ET
LH what the (frank) do you bring?

Yeah pretty much nothing

- golfingsince

He brings racism, homophobia, misogyny and hate.
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 31 @ 11:52 AM ET
Why come back? They accomplished what the Country needed champ.

- LordHumungous

Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Jan 31 @ 11:54 AM ET
He brings racism, homophobia, misogyny and hate.
- Marwood

Better than child indoctrination? Joe.
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 31 @ 11:55 AM ET
Better than child indoctrination? Joe.
- LordHumungous

A little rattled this morning? Playing the poor victim again.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Jan 31 @ 11:58 AM ET
- Marwood

Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Jan 31 @ 11:59 AM ET
A little rattled this morning? Playing the poor victim again.
- Marwood

lol all good man just calling the spades the spades...if you get my meaning. Pretty sure you do. Love to dish it but can't take it Joe?
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 31 @ 12:05 PM ET
lol all good man just calling the spades the spades...if you get my meaning. Pretty sure you do. Love to dish it but can't take it Joe?
- LordHumungous

I understand your messages of hate.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Jan 31 @ 12:14 PM ET
I understand your messages of hate.
- Marwood

I'm sure there is a library somewhere in BC champ that needs a Groomer. Best of luck. Ciao
Vancouver Canucks
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 07.11.2015

Jan 31 @ 12:41 PM ET
lol nice rant a response that retarded deserves a response regardless.

It's just sad is all that you are no different than the champs. I expected more TBH. All you have is the race card, sexist, misogynist anti LGTBQ.trans what have you as I don't slurp their narratives. You really have nothing else to offer.

So 'stopping discrimination' in all forms. What exactly does that mean? Does that mean in 'your' world we have to accept all that woke/libtard culture has to offer? Like Marwood we should allow 5 year olds to attend drag shows at public libraries? Please tell me that's not what you mean because if it is it is you that's in big trouble man not myself. Stopping discrimination 'in all forms' is a very dangerous rhetoric because what you are saying is that it only applies to your narrative. Anyone else offering facts against it will be cut down...like Crywood and his 'buddies' do. Marwood and his clown show of cronies have driven dozens of good posters out of the main thread with their constant whining and chopping down of anyone that doesn't agree with them but hey...not one ounce of protest from you on that right? Got it.

I think you'd better revisit who is spewing hate lol. I honestly don't care if you read my posts or not. When I talk Hockey it's relevant to the issue at hand. You whine. Whine and whine like many others. It's tiresome. When you do post at the issue at hand it's usually a shot at another poster who doesn't slurp the narrative like many others. Your hockey knowledge is very low and it shows. So whether you post anymore in the main thread is of no consequence. You will not be missed and we are the better for it if that is your attitude.

Like I said to bloated there isn't much point to trying to convince you what is happening. I will just let it all play out in real time and you can decide for your self. When Booner put you all in your places on the Russia/Ukraine farce all you all did was chop him down and offer no facts in return. He posted facts which are commonly known...and the champs responded with name calling and a drubbing down because they knew he was right. No different here. We have family in Ukraine on my Mother's side and what is being reported on MSM is very different that what is actually happening over there. It appeared at first you 'kind of' understood it but in the end just ended up slurping the narratives. Which is fine 85% of the sheep usually do.

You deduce and label like the champs and it's just sad is all. You don't know me from Adam and have no idea what I'm like. My LGTBQ family members are not in favour of all this woke indoctrination crap. If good folks don't stand and say no then we will be left with the Marwoods of the world. But apparently that's what you want right? Funny though...I bring up the Pedophile angle and EXACTLY the same 5-6 champs jump all over it and try to twist it around. Says alot actually. They sure love to label folks...but sure don't like it coming back. And it will continue as long as the labels do. In the end, it's really up to them how they want it to go. But they just can't resist.

I never asked you to be an 'internet friend' lol and nor do I care. I respond in kind to the bullying and the champs just don't like it do they? They get pissy as I won't run away and hide like the dozens of posters they have driven out of the main thread. I said it a thousand times before I don't subscribe to the 'covid' narrative and I don't do indoctrination of kids and I certainly don't succumb to this 'woke' culture movement. If you have mental illnesses and support this garbage then I suggest you get a shrink or someone that can help you in your life. You clearly need it as you version of 'discrimination' is alarming.

If you decide that the Canucks organization is too embarrassing for you to post in the main thread anymore then we are the better for it. Now that I know you are no better than Marwood and the clown show the saddest part about our past conversations is that I will miss your wine recommendations. I will say this you know your wine for sure...but clearly at this point you bring f*uck all else to the conversation other than labels and the pushing of narratives. I'd wish you the best in your life but honestly I'm not sure you'd have a clue what to do with it. But I will thank you for leaving...as we are much better off. Cheers.

- LordHumungous

Well that read like an 18 year old incel diatribe about the "bullies" at his non-segregated college.

I would like the minute of my life and 10 brain cells back that I lost reading that Tucker Carlson slurp fest
Location: “Who are we to think we’re anybody?” - Tocchet. Penticton, BC
Joined: 04.26.2012

Jan 31 @ 12:54 PM ET

Location: Systemic failure / Slurptastic
Joined: 10.12.2008

Jan 31 @ 12:56 PM ET
Well that read like an 18 year old incel diatribe about the "bullies" at his non-segregated college.

I would like the minute of my life and 10 brain cells back that I lost reading that Tucker Carlson slurp fest

- NewYorkNuck

That's your fault for reading it, he's a troll just ignore him.
Vegas Golden Knights
Location: On the road again
Joined: 01.04.2021

Jan 31 @ 12:58 PM ET
On the Anniversary of the Convoy we owe them so much for what they accomplished. Had JT and his supporters running scared from a little 'honking' lol.

I was part of the movement and all the way to Ottawa the thousands of trucks and hundreds of thousands that joined in it was a defining moment in Canadian history.

Started a global movement that continues to this day as well. Farmers in the EU have stood up and that will happen in Canada eventually too. Brazil is standing up to voter fraud as well in France. Glorious to see.

So when the climate lockdowns and '15 minute' cities start are you going to stand up bloated or you gonna fold like a good lil' sheep?

Food for thought.

- LordHumungous

They didn’t accomplish anything!
Vegas Golden Knights
Location: On the road again
Joined: 01.04.2021

Jan 31 @ 1:02 PM ET
lol all good man just calling the spades the spades...if you get my meaning. Pretty sure you do. Love to dish it but can't take it Joe?
- LordHumungous

You realize your right wing hero’s are all bigger groomers than Joe?
Vegas Golden Knights
Location: On the road again
Joined: 01.04.2021

Jan 31 @ 1:04 PM ET
On the Anniversary of the Convoy we owe them so much for what they accomplished. Had JT and his supporters running scared from a little 'honking' lol.

I was part of the movement and all the way to Ottawa the thousands of trucks and hundreds of thousands that joined in it was a defining moment in Canadian history.

Started a global movement that continues to this day as well. Farmers in the EU have stood up and that will happen in Canada eventually too. Brazil is standing up to voter fraud as well in France. Glorious to see.

So when the climate lockdowns and '15 minute' cities start are you going to stand up bloated or you gonna fold like a good lil' sheep?

Food for thought.

- LordHumungous

Spewing more lies I see!!
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jan 31 @ 1:09 PM ET
Well that read like an 18 year old incel diatribe about the "bullies" at his non-segregated college.

I would like the minute of my life and 10 brain cells back that I lost reading that Tucker Carlson slurp fest

- NewYorkNuck

Vegas Golden Knights
Location: On the road again
Joined: 01.04.2021

Jan 31 @ 1:11 PM ET
far-left ideology is the biggest concern moving forward.

WEF, climate hoax, woke culture ideology, voter fraud, child indoctrination in schools, these are the things that are the biggest threats right now.

What's good to see is folks standing against this.

Problem is it's 'their way or no way'. You want to promote the bolded then do it properly. Not with forced indoctrination and 'communist' style which so many neo-lefties promote.

Food for thought.

- LordHumungous

WEF is a problem. But so is the far right alternative. Climate change isn’t a hoax. The right acknowledges it. The solutions are what is the problem. Woke culture ideology is troublesome as is the far right extremism. Voter fraud is fiction. Most right wing people acknowledge that except the retarded few. The actions in the US, Brazil and France are just a bunch of idiots pouting that it didn’t go their way. I dont like the leftists that got in either, but they got in because of the revolt against the far right extremism. Child indoctrination? Your right wing hero’s are just as guilty as anyone on the left. Jesus you’re a moron Rick.
Seattle Kraken
Location: BC
Joined: 11.11.2010

Jan 31 @ 8:26 PM ET
Very well, let's take this apart a bit:

lol nice rant a response that retarded deserves a response regardless.

It's just sad is all that you are no different than the champs. I expected more TBH. All you have is the race card, sexist, misogynist anti LGTBQ.trans what have you as I don't slurp their narratives. You really have nothing else to offer.

- LordHumungous

Why, because I make sense when I type? Sorry, you don't slurp their narratives? What do you mean? Is it that you don't believe that a gay person should have the same opportunities for respect in the work place, or in society? You've stated you have gay relatives and friends, are they second class, or because they want to be left alone they're somehow different? You're racist because you 'say' racist things. You're misogynistic because you say misogynistic things.

So 'stopping discrimination' in all forms. What exactly does that mean? Does that mean in 'your' world we have to accept all that woke/libtard culture has to offer? Like Marwood we should allow 5 year olds to attend drag shows at public libraries? Please tell me that's not what you mean because if it is it is you that's in big trouble man not myself.
- LordHumungous

Stopping discrimination means not tolerating hateful words/actions and calling them out when you experience them. The goal is to hopefully let those people know that their words or actions aren't ok. Hopefully, they can learn from that, but with you it's just been going on too long, and I'm personally tired of it. You aren't going to grow or change. What does Marwood or anyone else have to do with a discussion that you and I are having? I have no idea why you continually drag other people into your argument, strike that, actually, it's because you have nothing, it's just a distraction.

Should the parents of a five year old child be allowed to take their child to a library for a story time read by an adult playing dress-up, something children have been doing for millennia? Yes, yes parents should have the right to raise their children how they see fit, to let their children hear a story. Is that drag queen a pedo? Are you saying that all trans people are actively out to harm children? How am I in big trouble? Are you and an angry mob going to come to my house because I think differently from you? What specific harm is a story causing you personally?

Stopping discrimination 'in all forms' is a very dangerous rhetoric because what you are saying is that it only applies to your narrative. Anyone else offering facts against it will be cut down...like Crywood and his 'buddies' do. Marwood and his clown show of cronies have driven dozens of good posters out of the main thread with their constant whining and chopping down of anyone that doesn't agree with them but hey...not one ounce of protest from you on that right? Got it.
- LordHumungous

That's not what I'm saying at all. What facts would you like to bring to the table? Everyone here has been patiently waiting for your facts. Trans men are all pedophiles? Is that your fact? What if the story was being read by a trans woman? I've been on this site since it's inception, I've seen a lot of people come and go. Far more good people, who have respect for others and are only interested in talking about hockey or the occasional pop culture topic are gone because of the type of bullpoop you post on a regular basis, not the other way around. I have no protest for someone calling you out for your racist remarks, you deserve that, you earned it, how about owning it?

I think you'd better revisit who is spewing hate lol. I honestly don't care if you read my posts or not. When I talk Hockey it's relevant to the issue at hand. You whine. Whine and whine like many others. It's tiresome. When you do post at the issue at hand it's usually a shot at another poster who doesn't slurp the narrative like many others. Your hockey knowledge is very low and it shows. So whether you post anymore in the main thread is of no consequence. You will not be missed and we are the better for it if that is your attitude.
- LordHumongous

I have no illusions that I'm some hockey genius, but I know some things about other topics that relate to hockey. I also have no illusions that somehow I'd be missed. Honestly, don't care. I love hockey, love to chat with other people who love hockey, and until recently had been a Canucks fan for more than 40 years. The Canucks have ruined my fandom themselves, but you have single handedly ruined my enjoyment from talking about it here. Sure, there are some other people who are tough to take sometimes, but mostly I think they're decent humans.

Like I said to bloated there isn't much point to trying to convince you what is happening. I will just let it all play out in real time and you can decide for your self. When Booner put you all in your places on the Russia/Ukraine farce all you all did was chop him down and offer no facts in return. He posted facts which are commonly known...and the champs responded with name calling and a drubbing down because they knew he was right. No different here. We have family in Ukraine on my Mother's side and what is being reported on MSM is very different that what is actually happening over there. It appeared at first you 'kind of' understood it but in the end just ended up slurping the narratives. Which is fine 85% of the sheep usually do.
- LordHumungous

I'm literally laughing out loud reading this. You have no idea. The war in Ukraine is wrong, but I wasn't surprised by it. It's been building for a decade. I've never changed my tune, I've just stopped talking about it in here.

You deduce and label like the champs and it's just sad is all. You don't know me from Adam and have no idea what I'm like. My LGTBQ family members are not in favour of all this woke indoctrination crap. If good folks don't stand and say no then we will be left with the Marwoods of the world. But apparently that's what you want right? Funny though...I bring up the Pedophile angle and EXACTLY the same 5-6 champs jump all over it and try to twist it around. Says alot actually. They sure love to label folks...but sure don't like it coming back. And it will continue as long as the labels do. In the end, it's really up to them how they want it to go. But they just can't resist.
- LordHumungous

If you want people to stop judging you this way, then change their minds. Stop inciting controversy for no reason. Stop saying hateful things about women, minorities and non-binary people. You openly support criminals who are known child sex traffickers and pedophiles. You claim over and over that Joe Biden is a pedophile, maybe he is maybe he isn't, but what the hell has that got to do with story time? I have no idea why everything with you comes back to story time and tampons in boys washrooms.

I never asked you to be an 'internet friend' lol and nor do I care. I respond in kind to the bullying and the champs just don't like it do they? They get pissy as I won't run away and hide like the dozens of posters they have driven out of the main thread. I said it a thousand times before I don't subscribe to the 'covid' narrative and I don't do indoctrination of kids and I certainly don't succumb to this 'woke' culture movement. If you have mental illnesses and support this garbage then I suggest you get a shrink or someone that can help you in your life. You clearly need it as you version of 'discrimination' is alarming.
- LordHumungous

Sorry, you're losing me here. The dozens of posters that they have driven out are running and hiding? I think the people left because a) the team has sucked for so long, and b) because the conversation almost always degenerates into a spazzy pissing match of name calling. Woke culture, which by the way is total BS, is really just society moving on. It's not 1982 anymore. You can't say to your pal when his fly is open "what, trolling for queers?" anymore. You can't keep noting how diverse the Canucks management team is after they hired two women in a way that suggests if only they had hired two more white men who played the game and everything would be good. There are just so many things that have changed, for the better. Here's the definition of discrimination:

the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability.

That's what you do in the thread. You want people to be nicer to you, stop doing this.

If you decide that the Canucks organization is too embarrassing for you to post in the main thread anymore then we are the better for it. Now that I know you are no better than Marwood and the clown show the saddest part about our past conversations is that I will miss your wine recommendations. I will say this you know your wine for sure...but clearly at this point you bring f*uck all else to the conversation other than labels and the pushing of narratives. I'd wish you the best in your life but honestly I'm not sure you'd have a clue what to do with it. But I will thank you for leaving...as we are much better off. Cheers.
- LordHumungous

I stopped offering you recommendations about a year ago, mostly I stopped reading your posts, but mainly because it was clear what kind of person you are and I wasn't interested in interacting. I too hope you figure your poop out, because getting called a racist piece of poop isn't fun, no matter how tough you think you are.

I've read a few pages of Carols last blog recently, I can tell you that you aren't better off, nothing has changed for the better in there.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Jan 31 @ 11:04 PM ET
Very well, let's take this apart a bit:

Why, because I make sense when I type? Sorry, you don't slurp their narratives? What do you mean? Is it that you don't believe that a gay person should have the same opportunities for respect in the work place, or in society? You've stated you have gay relatives and friends, are they second class, or because they want to be left alone they're somehow different? You're racist because you 'say' racist things. You're misogynistic because you say misogynistic things.

Stopping discrimination means not tolerating hateful words/actions and calling them out when you experience them. The goal is to hopefully let those people know that their words or actions aren't ok. Hopefully, they can learn from that, but with you it's just been going on too long, and I'm personally tired of it. You aren't going to grow or change. What does Marwood or anyone else have to do with a discussion that you and I are having? I have no idea why you continually drag other people into your argument, strike that, actually, it's because you have nothing, it's just a distraction.

Should the parents of a five year old child be allowed to take their child to a library for a story time read by an adult playing dress-up, something children have been doing for millennia? Yes, yes parents should have the right to raise their children how they see fit, to let their children hear a story. Is that drag queen a pedo? Are you saying that all trans people are actively out to harm children? How am I in big trouble? Are you and an angry mob going to come to my house because I think differently from you? What specific harm is a story causing you personally?

That's not what I'm saying at all. What facts would you like to bring to the table? Everyone here has been patiently waiting for your facts. Trans men are all pedophiles? Is that your fact? What if the story was being read by a trans woman? I've been on this site since it's inception, I've seen a lot of people come and go. Far more good people, who have respect for others and are only interested in talking about hockey or the occasional pop culture topic are gone because of the type of bullpoop you post on a regular basis, not the other way around. I have no protest for someone calling you out for your racist remarks, you deserve that, you earned it, how about owning it?

I have no illusions that I'm some hockey genius, but I know some things about other topics that relate to hockey. I also have no illusions that somehow I'd be missed. Honestly, don't care. I love hockey, love to chat with other people who love hockey, and until recently had been a Canucks fan for more than 40 years. The Canucks have ruined my fandom themselves, but you have single handedly ruined my enjoyment from talking about it here. Sure, there are some other people who are tough to take sometimes, but mostly I think they're decent humans.

I'm literally laughing out loud reading this. You have no idea. The war in Ukraine is wrong, but I wasn't surprised by it. It's been building for a decade. I've never changed my tune, I've just stopped talking about it in here.

If you want people to stop judging you this way, then change their minds. Stop inciting controversy for no reason. Stop saying hateful things about women, minorities and non-binary people. You openly support criminals who are known child sex traffickers and pedophiles. You claim over and over that Joe Biden is a pedophile, maybe he is maybe he isn't, but what the hell has that got to do with story time? I have no idea why everything with you comes back to story time and tampons in boys washrooms.

Sorry, you're losing me here. The dozens of posters that they have driven out are running and hiding? I think the people left because a) the team has sucked for so long, and b) because the conversation almost always degenerates into a spazzy pissing match of name calling. Woke culture, which by the way is total BS, is really just society moving on. It's not 1982 anymore. You can't say to your pal when his fly is open "what, trolling for queers?" anymore. You can't keep noting how diverse the Canucks management team is after they hired two women in a way that suggests if only they had hired two more white men who played the game and everything would be good. There are just so many things that have changed, for the better. Here's the definition of discrimination:

the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability.

That's what you do in the thread. You want people to be nicer to you, stop doing this.

I stopped offering you recommendations about a year ago, mostly I stopped reading your posts, but mainly because it was clear what kind of person you are and I wasn't interested in interacting. I too hope you figure your poop out, because getting called a racist piece of poop isn't fun, no matter how tough you think you are.

I've read a few pages of Carols last blog recently, I can tell you that you aren't better off, nothing has changed for the better in there.

- 1970vintage

lol nice well said. So instead of exchanging the same old jabs as I won't buy what you are selling and you certainly won't buy what I'm selling, why not a social experiment?

So, take your same rhetoric here (one sided narratives) and spin it in a way so it works both sides of the spectrum and apply it to Marwood, Yorky, Golfing, ASL Turd-KY, Rubes and few other alt-accounts in here and see how they react? No? They are in here every day patting each other on the back so it shouldn't be too hard.

Would be an interesting response to be sure lol. So what I can do is let that determine the level of involvement. Curious to see where it goes. If not, no biggy will just move on and keep on keeping on. My sh!t is figured out just fine. I'm not the one who needs to be worried Cheers man.
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Jan 31 @ 11:17 PM ET
lol nice well said. So instead of exchanging the same old jabs as I won't buy what you are selling and you certainly won't buy what I'm selling, why not a social experiment?

So, take your same rhetoric here (one sided narratives) and spin it in a way so it works both sides of the spectrum and apply it to Marwood, Yorky, Golfing, ASL Turd-KY, Rubes and few other alt-accounts in here and see how they react? No? They are in here every day patting each other on the back so it shouldn't be too hard.

Would be an interesting response to be sure lol. So what I can do is let that determine the level of involvement. Curious to see where it goes. If not, no biggy will just move on and keep on keeping on. My sh!t is figured out just fine. I'm not the one who needs to be worried Cheers man.

- LordHumungous

You cone on this site nearly every day and say the same stupid poop and then cry victim when you get called out on it.

Every (frank)ing day, rinse and repeat. Here you are trying to convince everyone else they're the problem. Maybe own your very large part of it and try to be better?
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Jan 31 @ 11:40 PM ET
You realize your right wing hero’s are all bigger groomers than Joe?
- TurdFergeson

You keep claiming 'far right' but I think you mean 'right so far'.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Jan 31 @ 11:43 PM ET
You cone on this site nearly every day and say the same stupid poop and then cry victim when you get called out on it.

Every (frank)ing day, rinse and repeat. Here you are trying to convince everyone else they're the problem. Maybe own your very large part of it and try to be better?

- golfingsince

Who's crying victim? Of course I'm part of the problem never claimed otherwise because I will push back vs the narrative. I'll own it and be better...but it works both ways.
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Feb 1 @ 12:21 AM ET
lol nice well said. So instead of exchanging the same old jabs as I won't buy what you are selling and you certainly won't buy what I'm selling, why not a social experiment?

So, take your same rhetoric here (one sided narratives) and spin it in a way so it works both sides of the spectrum and apply it to Marwood, Yorky, Golfing, ASL Turd-KY, Rubes and few other alt-accounts in here and see how they react? No? They are in here every day patting each other on the back so it shouldn't be too hard.

Would be an interesting response to be sure lol. So what I can do is let that determine the level of involvement. Curious to see where it goes. If not, no biggy will just move on and keep on keeping on. My sh!t is figured out just fine. I'm not the one who needs to be worried Cheers man.

- LordHumungous

Is this the prelude to the next victim blog?
Be respectful.
Location: BC
Joined: 11.18.2016

Feb 1 @ 1:00 AM ET
lol nice well said. So instead of exchanging the same old jabs as I won't buy what you are selling and you certainly won't buy what I'm selling, why not a social experiment?

So, take your same rhetoric here (one sided narratives) and spin it in a way so it works both sides of the spectrum and apply it to Marwood, Yorky, Golfing, ASL Turd-KY, Rubes and few other alt-accounts in here and see how they react? No? They are in here every day patting each other on the back so it shouldn't be too hard.

Would be an interesting response to be sure lol. So what I can do is let that determine the level of involvement. Curious to see where it goes. If not, no biggy will just move on and keep on keeping on. My sh!t is figured out just fine. I'm not the one who needs to be worried Cheers man.

- LordHumungous

Another one of your lies, as I barely even come in here anymore because I can't stand listening to your bs, every fucking day.

I know you don't like those like myself, because I have openly claimed to be on the left, but that is okay, I can't stand you and your kind, as a matter of fact, I rate you and your types right up there with my very strong dislike of Justin Trudeau.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 07.11.2015

Feb 1 @ 8:16 AM ET
lol nice well said. So instead of exchanging the same old jabs as I won't buy what you are selling and you certainly won't buy what I'm selling, why not a social experiment?

So, take your same rhetoric here (one sided narratives) and spin it in a way so it works both sides of the spectrum and apply it to Marwood, Yorky, Golfing, ASL Turd-KY, Rubes and few other alt-accounts in here and see how they react? No? They are in here every day patting each other on the back so it shouldn't be too hard.

Would be an interesting response to be sure lol. So what I can do is let that determine the level of involvement. Curious to see where it goes. If not, no biggy will just move on and keep on keeping on. My sh!t is figured out just fine. I'm not the one who needs to be worried Cheers man.

- LordHumungous

Vegas Golden Knights
Location: On the road again
Joined: 01.04.2021

Feb 1 @ 12:47 PM ET
You keep claiming 'far right' but I think you mean 'right so far'.
- LordHumungous

You and people like you are the reason we have Trudeau, Biden and all the left wing winners recently in Europe and South America. People in the middle are so sick of all the lies your kind spew it has tilted anyone in the middle to vote left. And then you cry foul when you lose. Pathetic.
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