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Forums :: Vancouver Canucks :: HB Thinktank - Socialism vs. Capitalism: a false dichotomy
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Vancouver Canucks
Location: Not Quesnel, BC
Joined: 10.11.2005

Jul 24 @ 5:06 PM ET
It started before that when you said he got grumpy by those types of posts, which you made before you even posted that lame ass article.

Then he politely dismissed it and you Tora, Tora, Tora'd.

You wrote all of this within the past 24 hours.

My only advice is to not take yourself so seriously all the time. You posted a garbage link which you later accepted. Move on.

- golfingsince

He got grumpy just like I said.

When I don't make a soft poke at him like that, he does the same thing. Your point is moot and attack is a massive exaggeration.

It was an observation after his last female dog session. He got grumpy and what he thought was in the report that he said he "didnt need to read" was off just like what he thought I believed. I literally corrected Vantel who accused heath experts of backtracking because there was none of that in the report. Yet he doesnt start that routine with Vantel but the guy disagreeing with Vantel. It's no mystery why I didnt put up with it a 2nd time.

Vancouver Canucks
Location: Not Quesnel, BC
Joined: 10.11.2005

Jul 24 @ 5:06 PM ET
I'll get back to you.

I have a 2000H zoom chat with Doogie Howser.

- golfingsince

Thats called cam sex.
Vancouver Canucks
Joined: 09.24.2014

Jul 24 @ 5:07 PM ET
You make little sense. You assume or fabricate people's opinions in there... start with the "you can believe what you want" narratives(like anyone needs your validation anyways) when none have been expressed... Then come in here whining about it... then start with these dishonest posts about "people can have different opinions". You are becoming more phony by the day and quite the witch hunting annoyance.

Even Lefty had to tell you to STFU lately. When you are getting reactions like that from people who like you(as did I), maybe you should reflect a little bit.

- boonerbuck

apart from today, I havent ventured much into the main thread, mainly to avoid you and kaaptan if im being honest. lol Lefty and I are good friends, and we have had disagreements spill into these side threads, and still come out of it civil, even trying to schedule a beer together. You on the other hand have a tiny little violin playing and are constantly in arguments with posters who disagree with you and then flip it and play victim when things don't go your way cause again, you are quite honestly, the biggest drama queen on this site.

isnt it funny too. See all these people coming to my defense in the main thread and the side threads? Yah, I didn't ask a single one of them to back me up on anything. Probably says something yeah?
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Not Quesnel, BC
Joined: 10.11.2005

Jul 24 @ 5:10 PM ET
Actually, you came to the same opinion as the rest of us. You just took the slow way of getting there. That's OK, we don't mind waiting. Still, you'll have to improve if you expect club membership someday.

PS. Lefty tells everyone to STFU.

PSS. Codes said believe what you want because he was trying to avoid the very same poopshow that you insisted on it becoming.

- golfingsince

So last time I ignored that routine and made no comments in kind, so this time he does it again because he didnt want a repeat? Again, no sense at all.

Actually going to the listed source in the report and researching credentials may be the slow way but not the ignorant way. The way that triggers narrative monkeys.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Jul 24 @ 5:12 PM ET
He got grumpy just like I said.

When I don't make a soft poke at him like that, he does the same thing. Your point is moot and attack is a massive exaggeration.

It was an observation after his last female dog session. He got grumpy and what he thought was in the report that he said he "didnt need to read" was off just like what he thought I believed. I literally corrected Vantel who accused heath experts of backtracking because there was none of that in the report. Yet he doesnt start that routine with Vantel but the guy disagreeing with Vantel. It's no mystery why I didnt put up with it a 2nd time.

- boonerbuck

here's a couple of questions for you:

were you miffed at what codes wrote previously (about you or not) and you made a post about something that you knew would antagonize or provoke him?

and then you doubled down by explicitly referencing him negatively in a subsequent post so as to further provoke a response?

you wanted all of this didn't you?
Vancouver Canucks
Joined: 09.24.2014

Jul 24 @ 5:14 PM ET
He got grumpy just like I said.

When I don't make a soft poke at him like that, he does the same thing. Your point is moot and attack is a massive exaggeration.

It was an observation after his last female dog session. He got grumpy and what he thought was in the report that he said he "didnt need to read" was off just like what he thought I believed. I literally corrected Vantel who accused heath experts of backtracking because there was none of that in the report. Yet he doesnt start that routine with Vantel but the guy disagreeing with Vantel. It's no mystery why I didnt put up with it a 2nd time.

- boonerbuck

what type of cheese would you like with your whine?
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Jul 24 @ 5:14 PM ET
He got grumpy just like I said.

When I don't make a soft poke at him like that, he does the same thing. Your point is moot and attack is a massive exaggeration.

It was an observation after his last female dog session. He got grumpy and what he thought was in the report that he said he "didnt need to read" was off just like what he thought I believed. I literally corrected Vantel who accused heath experts of backtracking because there was none of that in the report. Yet he doesnt start that routine with Vantel but the guy disagreeing with Vantel. It's no mystery why I didnt put up with it a 2nd time.

- boonerbuck

Not really, he dismissed it.

Then you got all high and mighty about the expert knowing more than Codes. Again, you post something without evidence then get pissy about it being dismissed.

You keep referencing this other instance. You come in, post some BS. Call out one of the guys that implies it's BS and call him a projector and other things repeatedly. That all seems like you had an agenda to me.

I take offense to projector because they usually need to be pretty bright and Codes hasn't really shown that potential yet.
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Jul 24 @ 5:16 PM ET
here's a couple of questions for you:

were you miffed at what codes wrote previously (about you or not) and you made a post about something that you knew would antagonize or provoke him?

and then you doubled down by explicitly referencing him negatively in a subsequent post so as to further provoke a response?

you wanted all of this didn't you?

- RealityChecker

Yeah, that was hard to read. Poor victim.
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Jul 24 @ 5:17 PM ET
So last time I ignored that routine and made no comments in kind, so this time he does it again because he didnt want a repeat? Again, no sense at all.

Actually going to the listed source in the report and researching credentials may be the slow way but not the ignorant way. The way that triggers narrative monkeys.

- boonerbuck

Nah, when there's no evidence or substance to begin with it's the ignorant way.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Jul 24 @ 5:19 PM ET
Nah, when there's no evidence or substance to begin with it's the ignorant way.
- golfingsince

narrative monkey.

anyway, i've heard from a world leader that the pandemic will disappear.
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Jul 24 @ 5:23 PM ET
narrative monkey.

anyway, i've heard from a world leader that the pandemic will disappear.

- RealityChecker

It would be gone already had Faucci not been so insistent on not wearing masks. Pretty safe to assume he's working with Hillary.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Jul 24 @ 5:25 PM ET
Well, well, well... What’s going on in here?

Just wrapped up work and thought I’d pop in to see if anything was going on. Didn’t expect much and then BOOM!
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Jul 24 @ 5:26 PM ET
It would be gone already had Faucci not been so insistent on not wearing masks. Pretty safe to assume he's working with Hillary.
- golfingsince

and don't forget that obama got rid of testing for covid-19.
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Jul 24 @ 5:26 PM ET
Well, well, well... What’s going on in here?

Just wrapped up work and thought I’d pop in to see if anything was going on. Didn’t expect much and then BOOM!

- bloatedmosquito

Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Jul 24 @ 5:26 PM ET
and don't forget that obama got rid of testing for covid-19.
- RealityChecker

(frank)ing Obama. A real American would never do that!!
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I stay away from the completely crazy rumours on the internet.I will occasionally debunk them-Eklund
Joined: 04.18.2010

Jul 24 @ 5:27 PM ET
Well, well, well... What’s going on in here?

Just wrapped up work and thought I’d pop in to see if anything was going on. Didn’t expect much and then BOOM!

- bloatedmosquito

Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Jul 24 @ 5:28 PM ET

Bloated gonna be disappointed he missed a classic.

- golfingsince

Damn right. I must be getting old because I can usually smell Booner’s shit from miles away.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Not Quesnel, BC
Joined: 10.11.2005

Jul 24 @ 5:28 PM ET
apart from today, I havent ventured much into the main thread, mainly to avoid you and kaaptan if im being honest. lol Lefty and I are good friends, and we have had disagreements spill into these side threads, and still come out of it civil, even trying to schedule a beer together. You on the other hand have a tiny little violin playing and are constantly in arguments with posters who disagree with you and then flip it and play victim when things don't go your way cause again, you are quite honestly, the biggest drama queen on this site.

isnt it funny too. See all these people coming to my defense in the main thread and the side threads? Yah, I didn't ask a single one of them to back me up on anything. Probably says something yeah?

- Codes1087

You are very dishonest. Look at last time. I didnt react. I was civil. I explained that I didnt think what you were assuming politely while you kept projecting to the wrong person in the thread. Our arguments have been minor over the years but here you go pushing this nonsense above. As much as I dont want to fight with Marwood, you contradict yourself by kissing his ass and following him around. He is the 2nd half of the beefs with a very big list of people in the main thread and proud of his poop disturbing. Like I said, dishonest.

Your reaction to a friendly discussion about covid turned into you hiding in here moaning. I push back on the attacks about my childhood and family but look at your display of being the victim. It's nothing more than you crying about not being able to control what people talk about. Meanwhile, your witch hunting continues in threads that are advertised as free speech. Keep validating what I'm saying. You make this easy.

Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Jul 24 @ 5:32 PM ET

- RealityChecker

Surprising isn’t it. All of a sudden he’s Mr. Toughguy again. I wonder if CaptEO told him to grow a pair.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Not Quesnel, BC
Joined: 10.11.2005

Jul 24 @ 5:32 PM ET
Damn right. I must be getting old because I can usually smell Booner’s shit from miles away.
- bloatedmosquito

No one knows what ass smells like more than you.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Not Quesnel, BC
Joined: 10.11.2005

Jul 24 @ 5:33 PM ET
Surprising isn’t it. All of a sudden he’s Mr. Toughguy again. I wonder if CaptEO told him to grow a pair.
- bloatedmosquito

I've never had a discussion with him. How about you?
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Jul 24 @ 5:33 PM ET
You are very dishonest. Look at last time. I didnt react. I was civil. I explained that I didnt think what you were assuming politely while you kept projecting to the wrong person in the thread. Our arguments have been minor over the years but here you go pushing this nonsense above. As much as I dont want to fight with Marwood, you contradict yourself by kissing his ass and following him around. He is the 2nd half of the beefs with a very big list of people in the main thread and proud of his poop disturbing. Like I said, dishonest.

Your reaction to a friendly discussion about covid turned into you hiding in here moaning. I push back on the attacks about my childhood and family but look at your display of being the victim. It's nothing more than you crying about not being able to control what people talk about. Meanwhile, your witch hunting continues in threads that are advertised as free speech. Keep validating what I'm saying. You make this easy.

- boonerbuck

Dude, get over yourself and stop going back to the last time. We can all go back one blog and see the evidence of what was posted.

You instigated then portrayed yourself as a victim.

Classic BoonerBook.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Jul 24 @ 5:40 PM ET
I've never had a discussion with him. How about you?
- boonerbuck

No? But you’ve dropped his name in your PM threats haven’t you? Be honest now Booner even though it doesn’t come natural to you.
Vancouver Canucks
Joined: 09.24.2014

Jul 24 @ 5:41 PM ET
You are very dishonest. Look at last time. I didnt react. I was civil. I explained that I didnt think what you were assuming politely while you kept projecting to the wrong person in the thread. Our arguments have been minor over the years but here you go pushing this nonsense above. As much as I dont want to fight with Marwood, you contradict yourself by kissing his ass and following him around. He is the 2nd half of the beefs with a very big list of people in the main thread and proud of his poop disturbing. Like I said, dishonest.

Your reaction to a friendly discussion about covid turned into you hiding in here moaning. I push back on the attacks about my childhood and family but look at your display of being the victim. It's nothing more than you crying about not being able to control what people talk about. Meanwhile, your witch hunting continues in threads that are advertised as free speech. Keep validating what I'm saying. You make this easy.

- boonerbuck

did anyone else read this like a trump tweet?
Location: This message is Marwood approved!
Joined: 11.30.2011

Jul 24 @ 5:45 PM ET
did anyone else read this like a trump tweet?
- Codes1087

Yeah, never made it past the first sentence. You open with garbage and expect people to read through?

BoonerBook is just really high on himself and his 'super best weed ever' again today. Within minutes to days he'll be mentioning the gang in the side threads again.

It's the same old cycle he's been playing for years.
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