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Forums :: Blog World :: Brad Lohr: Big Pick in Helenius, Malenstyn get Acquired and we Praise Adams....
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Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jul 6 @ 7:15 AM ET
L4 is going to be a blast to watch.. fast and hitting.. not alot of skill, so Sabre9 will absolutely hate them😊.
L3 if Benson and McLeod are together will be very responsible.. I don't know a ton about Zucker, although metrics NST are pretty decent, so that line should be competitive and hold their own.
As was said before, Top 6 is going to carry the scoring (like a lot of teams). Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Kulich make the roster with Cozens and Quinn.

- IonSabres

Be Nice to see Kulich take a spot, could use a shooter on Line 3
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jul 6 @ 7:18 AM ET
Sure, at $3.5M for the upcoming season, but it doesn't alleviate the real issue, which is how much is Konecny going to cost on his next deal, and will he want to extend with the Sabres.
- kingcong39

Adams might have to take a chance and hope the Season goes well and they sign a extension. No good player IMO is gonna sign one until they get a feel of what's happening.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: I said that months ago, keep up!, FL
Joined: 03.10.2013

Jul 6 @ 7:18 AM ET
Gotta find a little offense somewhere, we can hope for rebound seasons from Tage, Cozens and such but Kevyn still needs to replace the production we lost somewhat.
- Buff36

Agreed, although I do think Tage, Tuch, Cozens will bounce back, perhaps not all the way, but much better than last season. JJP is positioned to take another step too. Quinn is the puzzle to me, from an availability perspective. Many IF's and hopes there, but I think it is on the right side of the money.

Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jul 6 @ 7:21 AM ET
Agreed, although I do think Tage, Tuch, Cozens will bounce back, perhaps not all the way, but much better than last season. JJP is positioned to take another step too. Quinn is the puzzle to me, from an availability perspective. Many IF's and hopes there, but I think it is on the right side of the money.
- IonSabres

If they can't get that Top 6 W, like to see Kulich step up and take RW on that 3rd line. They could use a shooter there.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jul 6 @ 7:38 AM ET
Good Read! Kid has a chance to blossom, see where this goes.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Visionville
Joined: 10.12.2015

Jul 6 @ 8:02 AM ET
Good Read! Kid has a chance to blossom, see where this goes.

- Buff36

The more I read about him the more depressing this trade is. He fast. That's about it.

We got absolutely, undoubtedly, robbed blind. Can't wait to see Savoie put up 60pts as this dude walks in 3 years.

Adams could run a summer camp on how to get (frank)ed in trades. This was a masterpiece in idiocy.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Visionville
Joined: 10.12.2015

Jul 6 @ 8:05 AM ET
You guys worry about the wrong sh!t.

If the moves he made gets them into the playoffs, I couldn't give two sh!ts what Savoie does. They have enough prospects, young players and picks. Helenius made Savoie expendable and they got one of the fastest players in the league, who's defensive metrics are outstanding. They have a true shut-down 3C now. Everyone kept saying, make a trade, get a 3C and I'll feel better, make a trade, overpay if you have to, blah, blah, blah.

You got what you wanted.

- Powerslave

We aren't making the playoffs my friend. Scratch that from your mind. We're going to pick top10, we will just skate faster to it this year.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Boston, MA
Joined: 11.13.2016

Jul 6 @ 8:07 AM ET
This is the position our Sabres are in. Overpaying for players and the fact that no one wants to play in Buffalo. I don’t know the underlying facts on Savoie, but this is a good indication of the cost to acquire players. Get used to it
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Visionville
Joined: 10.12.2015

Jul 6 @ 8:08 AM ET
We traded a top10 pick that was almost NHL ready for a 25pt center man.

We are cooked folks.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jul 6 @ 8:09 AM ET
The more I read about him the more depressing this trade is. He fast. That's about it.

We got absolutely, undoubtedly, robbed blind. Can't wait to see Savoie put up 60pts as this dude walks in 3 years.

Adams could run a summer camp on how to get (frank)ed in trades. This was a masterpiece in idiocy.

- RhinoFan

Well it's done, and the kid can dish the puck. I might have wanted different but let's see if he can bring back that play making ability from Juniors with a couple decent wingers.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Buffalo, NY
Joined: 08.27.2006

Jul 6 @ 8:15 AM ET
I don't know this McLeod guy from a hole in the wall but from what I'm reading, a decent 3rd line center with a decent 200ft game... Correct?...

If so, this has Lindy's prints all over it as the Sabres continue to put together one of the most boring teams since the 2024 Islanders.

As far as Savoie... By far their most talented offensive prospect. I think this kid could develop into a Brayden Point type player.

This is scary to watch as a Sabre fan. They've had a paradigm shift in philosophy from accumulate highly talented prospects with a run them out of your building type of game to trap/grind em out kind of wins.

Either way... Edmonton absolutely fleeced a GM who is clearly in over his head.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Visionville
Joined: 10.12.2015

Jul 6 @ 8:16 AM ET
Well it's done, and the kid can dish the puck. I might have wanted different but let's see if he can bring back that play making ability from Juniors with a couple decent wingers.
- Buff36

Not sure I'm watching this year tbh. Not much point anymore. This is going to get real ugly I think 36.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Visionville
Joined: 10.12.2015

Jul 6 @ 8:17 AM ET
I don't know this McLeod guy from a hole in the wall but from what I'm reading, a decent 3rd line center with a decent 200ft game... Correct?...

If so, this has Lindy's prints all over it as the Sabres continue to put together one of the most boring teams since the 2024 Islanders.

As far as Savoie... By far their most talented offensive prospect. I think this kid could develop into a Brayden Point type player.

This is scary to watch as a Sabre fan. They've had a paradigm shift in philosophy from accumulate highly talented prospects with a run them out of your building type of game to trap/grind em out kind of wins.

Either way... Edmonton absolutely fleeced a GM who is clearly in over his head.


Then (frank) Lindy too.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 05.24.2019

Jul 6 @ 8:19 AM ET
L4 is going to be a blast to watch.. fast and hitting.. not alot of skill, so Sabre9 will absolutely hate them😊.
L3 if Benson and McLeod are together will be very responsible.. I don't know a ton about Zucker, although metrics NST are pretty decent, so that line should be competitive and hold their own.
As was said before, Top 6 is going to carry the scoring (like a lot of teams). Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Kulich make the roster with Cozens and Quinn.

- IonSabres

I’ve wanted to see Kulich up since like January. There is something the Sabres don’t like about him or his game.

No idea what it is.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Visionville
Joined: 10.12.2015

Jul 6 @ 8:22 AM ET
I’ve wanted to see Kulich up since like January. There is something the Sabres don’t like about him or his game.

No idea what it is.

- Sabretooth9

He's about to be traded with Ostlund and a 1st for Mason Appleton.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 05.24.2019

Jul 6 @ 8:37 AM ET
I don't know this McLeod guy from a hole in the wall but from what I'm reading, a decent 3rd line center with a decent 200ft game... Correct?...

If so, this has Lindy's prints all over it as the Sabres continue to put together one of the most boring teams since the 2024 Islanders.

As far as Savoie... By far their most talented offensive prospect. I think this kid could develop into a Brayden Point type player.

This is scary to watch as a Sabre fan. They've had a paradigm shift in philosophy from accumulate highly talented prospects with a run them out of your building type of game to trap/grind em out kind of wins.

Either way... Edmonton absolutely fleeced a GM who is clearly in over his head.


I wouldn’t say fleeced. Mcleods analytics are actually pretty good.

Oilers fans on twitter are acting like savoie is the second coming of mcdavid or they traded for some all star.

The Sabres while savoie was rehabbing and Alpert while savoie was in Rochester saw something they didn’t like in his game.

The NHL playoffs gave off a lot of speed and skill vibes. Yes you had body checking from every player including the Reinharts of the world.

My guess is that savoies 1st playoff run with Rochester. He most likely wasn’t handling contact very well. He went from 3 practices to playing to sitting on the bench very quickly.

His 1 NHL game he looked lost.

Savoie at minimum is 1-2 years in the AHL away.

Not saying he’s a bust. But his shiney nice draft stock has taken a hit and red flags have been raised.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 05.24.2019

Jul 6 @ 8:39 AM ET
He's about to be traded with Ostlund and a 1st for Mason Appleton.
- RhinoFan

I agree we probly move 1 more top prospect IFFFF Adams gets a top 6 forward and move Kulich or Ostlund.

Krebs greenway Ostlund / Kulich gets you what top 6 forward
San Jose Sharks
Location: Ice-O-Plex, CA
Joined: 03.20.2012

Jul 6 @ 8:50 AM ET
I want to like the trade. I really do. I hate seeing the Sabres in this state, but it feels bad to me. I wouldn’t have had a problem if it was any other prospect not named Helenius.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Visionville
Joined: 10.12.2015

Jul 6 @ 8:51 AM ET
I agree we probly move 1 more top prospect IFFFF Adams gets a top 6 forward and move Kulich or Ostlund.

Krebs greenway Ostlund / Kulich gets you what top 6 forward

- Sabretooth9

What gives you any impression Adams can get fair value in any trade? He's gotten slaughtered in every single one he's made thus far and it's gotten a lot worse this year.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: Visionville
Joined: 10.12.2015

Jul 6 @ 8:53 AM ET
I want to like the trade. I really do. I hate seeing the Sabres in this state, but it feels bad to me. I wouldn’t have had a problem if it was any other prospect not named Helenius.
- SoCalPucks

Yeah, I knew the truly desperate trades were coming. Now to just trade a few 1sts for 1 year of Ehlers and we'll be 9th-10th in the east this year.
San Jose Sharks
Location: Ice-O-Plex, CA
Joined: 03.20.2012

Jul 6 @ 8:53 AM ET
Neither Levi or UPL are listed on the roster on the Sabres website. That’s weird.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jul 6 @ 8:56 AM ET
Not sure I'm watching this year tbh. Not much point anymore. This is going to get real ugly I think 36.
- RhinoFan

Gonna be a fast Team, they need to use that to there advantage and prey to God there Top 6 stay Healthy and productive.
Buffalo Sabres
Location: I said that months ago, keep up!, FL
Joined: 03.10.2013

Jul 6 @ 8:58 AM ET
Good Read! Kid has a chance to blossom, see where this goes.

- Buff36

It is a good read, thanks 36.. appreciate the post!
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jul 6 @ 9:01 AM ET
It is a good read, thanks 36.. appreciate the post!
- IonSabres

If he can find that play making ability he had in Juniors, averaged like 45 assists back then. We could have something, him Benson and Kulich could make for a interesting line. They remade there bottom 6 which they had to do. Still need to find a bit more production somewhere. IMO
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 05.24.2019

Jul 6 @ 9:08 AM ET
What gives you any impression Adams can get fair value in any trade? He's gotten slaughtered in every single one he's made thus far and it's gotten a lot worse this year.
- RhinoFan

I get your mad about savoie.

Look. One or even 2 of our top prospects was going to go via trade either way.

McLeod is a good 3C. Like his analytics all check out really nicely.

Savoie has a lot of red flags. He’s far from a sure thing or a slam dunk.

- got hurt in a prospect tournament against his peers. - not strong enough to battle vs kids his own age. He would get crushed vs older competition.

- left off the Canadian world junior team multiple times. - why? I would say that’s a red flag. Prospects of his stature always make the team.

- playoff games in roch. He went from 3 practices into playing games. He got benched and scratched due to his poor play. (Seth Alpert saw it 1st hand)

- injured again while benson replaced him.

- Sabres saw him rehab his injury and then play 3:55 in an nhl game. He was sooo bad and lost in that game. Then banned him to juniors.

I think watching playoffs. Players like savoie would get eaten alive. The late body checks, the chippiness, and more.

Look at what happened to Marner on the leafs. He sucked during playoffs.
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