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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Flyers Alumni Fantasy Camp 2024
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 6:40 PM ET
Ahhh I’m just having fun.

I never bought the whole persona, it’s some young kid pretending to be an old prof or whatever. Don’t fall for it.

Either way I’m curious.

- flyer_nutter

We are all aware by now of your limitations of discernment, grandpa.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 6:41 PM ET
I’m just surprised you’ve ever had sex.
- roenick97

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 6:48 PM ET
cost little under 90k for the school my one kid goes to. such a scam and joke.

now worries demos will waive it in a few years!!!

- hello it's me 2050

You said you had a daughter who went to Nursing school. That one? Also, you said you would avise your kids (plural) to not have any kids themselves.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 6:53 PM ET
Very smart move to do.

Degrees are just certifications of accomplishment...what the person gets out of it is all that matters.

- Glak18

Fair enough but kids often struggle when jumping from Community college to a competitive school. It depends a lot on the maturity level.

On matters like this, in general I would suggest 'state school' rather than community school. In state tuition should not be too bad.

College costs are indeed a huge ripoff. No argument there. But in spite of that, it should also be pointed out they are a tremendous bargain in terms of enhancing future earnings.
Location: NJ
Joined: 11.20.2017

Aug 16 @ 6:54 PM ET
If by retread you mean a player who returned to Flyers for another go-around... Mike Knuble is an obvious omission as is Rick Macleish... There must be some others also.
- ForeverFlyer16

I loved Knuble. But he was slower than Lecavalier.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 6:56 PM ET
My high school kid takes all Honors courses . He’s entrepreneurial and already investing. He told me he can go to community college and get what he needs before transferring to a 4 year. That will save me a bundle.
- Minnyhock

Both Minnesota and California have excellent public universities. Don't be penny wise, pound foolish.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 6:59 PM ET
If I had to guess I would say both of you are in your 40's or older...

I rarely see people put effort out to do what is smart and end up doing the easy way.

I finished my associates while working for a company that let me get my bachelor's on them....

Why would I want to pay for that?

- Glak18

Just a few weeks ago you said you got a "full ride," from Johnson and Wales. The term usually means a full scholarship.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 7:05 PM ET
He is the only modern day President who didn't have a war started on his watch. One day is hyperbole but he will end it if he is elected. He will also deal with Iran, China and NKorea. Peace through strength. Rather that the chaos and the world on the brink of WW3 with the passiveness and weakness of the current feckless administration.

(frank)wit, some of us actually pay attention to reality outside basements. War requires congressional approval. The only Presidents in your lifetime who had "a war started (sic) on his watch" were Johnson, Bush 41 and Bush 43.

If you mean specific military operations through executive action, Trump did that too.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 7:09 PM ET
He won't look like a total ass when he is elected and he ends that war. When he deals with the situation in the middle East and with Iran. Here is what you don't get. He was already President once and we saw how he dealt with the world and with our enemies. We have actual history to prove it. This is not difficult to figure out! I don't give a rats ass about rhetoric. I care about results.

Explain to me how he will stop that war in 1 day? If he can stop it in 1 day, surely it should be easy to explain his methods.
Location: NJ
Joined: 11.20.2017

Aug 16 @ 7:16 PM ET
Question as a non US resident.

Why is it seemingly accepted that 80% of the media coverage is so skewed toward one political party?

It would be a downright lie to say otherwise, I’m just wondering why it’s not talked about more?

The school system, social media that targets youth - it’s all very left leaning - and I’m not that old to have not seen some of that first hand.

The Dems have done a masterful job at controlling the narrative, and swaying the demographics of the country in their favour.

I’ll give full credit there. Republicans imo have shown themselves to be behind the times, and frankly weak imo.

- flyer_nutter

I wished they dissected all of Robert F. Kennedy jr. Conspiracy theories.
Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Aug 16 @ 7:22 PM ET
Both Minnesota and California have excellent public universities. Don't be penny wise, pound foolish.
- PT21

Everything he takes is Honors and he’s in an entrepreneurial program. He’s bored with school and takes shortcuts to learn at an accelerated pace. He thinks college is a waste of time but he knows he’ll hit a brick wall without the diplomas. He’s going to do 1 year at CC and reassess. He says I won’t be able to invest as much if I have to overpay for something of little value. I advise but my kids have been making their own decisions for some time.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 7:30 PM ET
Everything he takes is Honors and he’s in an entrepreneurial program. He’s bored with school and takes shortcuts to learn at an accelerated pace. He thinks college is a waste of time but he knows he’ll hit a brick wall without the diplomas. He’s going to do 1 year at CC and reassess. He says I won’t be able to invest as much if I have to overpay for something of little value. I advise but my kids have been making their own decisions for some time.
- Minnyhock

If he is that clear headed, he will be fine. Pretty much irrespective of what he does.

Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Aug 16 @ 7:35 PM ET
If he is that clear headed, he will be fine. Pretty much irrespective of what he does.
- PT21

He’s light years ahead of me at that age.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 07.05.2011

Aug 16 @ 7:45 PM ET
(frank)wit, some of us actually pay attention to reality outside basements. War requires congressional approval. The only Presidents in your lifetime who had "a war started (sic) on his watch" were Johnson, Bush 41 and Bush 43.

If you mean specific military operations through executive action, Trump did that too.

- PT21

Johnson did not get a declaration of war from congress rather approval to send troops. Semantics maybe but it was a failed exercise. George W messed up the Iraq war terribly. If you’re going to send troops to fight use your full capability to get the job done as efficiently as possible and get them home.
Full disclosure I was for it initially until Fallejuh then I saw they weren’t willing to let the generals do what needed to be done.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 7:57 PM ET
He’s light years ahead of me at that age.
- Minnyhock

Is he one of the hockey playing kids? Often, young male athletes tend to be a little over-confident about life. They will go out there, "make things happen," etc

The art imo is to inculcate the playoff hockey mindset. You will get your chance, but before that, you have to grind away, take the body, do the backcheck, make the high % play, be alert for opportunities, be available for luck to find you, and most of all, keep the faith.

Easier said than done at that age. I never learned my own lesson during the years I should have. Thats the way it goes. 🤷

Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Aug 16 @ 8:07 PM ET
Is he one of the hockey playing kids? Often, young male athletes tend to be a little over-confident about life. They will go out there, "make things happen," etc

The art imo is to inculcate the playoff hockey mindset. You will get your chance, but before that, you have to grind away, take the body, do the backcheck, make the high % play, be alert for opportunities, be available for luck to find you, and most of all, keep the faith.

Easier said than done at that age. I never learned my own lesson during the years I should have. Thats the way it goes. 🤷

- PT21

I’ll just say this. In 11th grade I was thinking I’d be playing beyond college level. He’s a better player than me. When he was in 8th grade he told me he was getting a Plan B. Light years.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Aug 16 @ 8:07 PM ET
(frank)wit, some of us actually pay attention to reality outside basements. War requires congressional approval. The only Presidents in your lifetime who had "a war started (sic) on his watch" were Johnson, Bush 41 and Bush 43.

If you mean specific military operations through executive action, Trump did that too.

- PT21

A war started in the world, dippoop.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 8:07 PM ET
Johnson did not get a declaration of war from congress rather approval to send troops. Semantics maybe but it was a failed exercise. George W messed up the Iraq war terribly. If you’re going to send troops to fight use your full capability to get the job done as efficiently as possible and get them home.
Full disclosure I was for it initially until Fallejuh then I saw they weren’t willing to let the generals do what needed to be done.

- bird_dog_pa

There was the infamous Gulf of Tonkin resolution. Defend our troops "by any means necessary."

There was never a country to declare war upon. The US was defending our puppet in South Vietnam.

The North Vietnamese troops and their sympatico communist rebels (pathet lao) from Laos became synonymous along the border. The N Vietnamese would conduct guerilla operations against us, then cross the border to hide.

In response, the US air forces, without any congressional approval, bombed Laos into oblivion. Laos remains the most bombed country per capita in the history of mankind iirc. There is hardly any farmland where one doesn't have to be on the alert for unexploded bombs.

We must live in an age of transparency and accountability. No blank checks, no blind faith.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Aug 16 @ 8:08 PM ET
Explain to me how he will stop that war in 1 day? If he can stop it in 1 day, surely it should be easy to explain his methods.
- PT21

He won't stop it in one day. Read on.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 8:10 PM ET
A war started in the world, dippoop.

Ok, you are poopting me, yeah?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 8:13 PM ET
He won't stop it in one day. Read on.

Fine. Never mind the # of days. You are sure he will stop it. Since you are sure, you must know how.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 8:17 PM ET
I’ll just say this. In 11th grade I was thinking I’d be playing beyond college level. He’s a better player than me. When he was in 8th grade he told me he was getting a Plan B. Light years.
- Minnyhock

If he is not cocky but measured in these statements, I want to buy stock in the future returns of your kid.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Aug 16 @ 8:18 PM ET
Fine. Never mind the # of days. You are sure he will stop it. Since you are sure, you must know how.


- PT21

Nope, don't need to know how but he will stop it. On another note, neither the Russian invasion of Ukraine or the attack on Israel would've happened if Trump was POTUS
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 16 @ 8:22 PM ET
Nope, don't need to know how but he will stop it. On another note, neither the Russian invasion of Ukraine or the attack on Israel would've happened if Trump was POTUS

In other words, blind faith. 🤣


Joined: 11.02.2021

Aug 16 @ 8:23 PM ET
Nope, don't need to know how but he will stop it. On another note, neither the Russian invasion of Ukraine or the attack on Israel would've happened if Trump was POTUS

😆 😝 😆 😂 😂
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