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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Yesterday @ 9:09 PM ET
Generally speaking, it is hard to sift through details for lay individuals at the micro level you are talking about here. For one, you will likely see what you are pre-disposed to see. For another, people who do this sort of thing ususally do it because they feel unempowered in real life by the establishment, and have a personal agenda: look, I can beat the establishment and see things they are lying about. So, they are drawn to sources that cynically cater to their specific grudges.

How does it matter what his son said and whether he was a Blackrock commercial? Given the extreme sloppiness of the attempts involved, don't you think someone could have done better in whatever they were attempting to do?

The daughter in law of RFK Jr. is Amaryllis Fox. She wrote a book about serving in the CIA. Fluffy read but lots of info about incredibly devious ways to kill people. Surely some of those could be employed instead of using some lonely, wasted souls with their pathetic AR attempts?

- PT21

As for most of your post, I agree and that is something I have been asking myself. Why are these the people doing it? I would think a better trained person would get the job done. Then again if I wanted a patsy, I wouldn't want them to be too professional.

I stopped asking myself how the assailants planned it, I need to get the basic questions answered first...like how did some awkward kid walk by so many people with a ladder, a weapon then climb on a building while people are screaming "He has a gun" for 30 minutes? Everything else in the story I don't care about, how can that happen? It doesn't happen unless steps are made to allow it to happen.

As for feeling unempowered by the establishment...I don't have meth heads and homeless surrounding my house when I walk out my front door, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This crazy notion that "the man" doesn't exist to control the mass population is ludicrous, not the rapper. The history of civilization has always had an overseeing entity to control others.

Did you see the bill passed by that tard in California banning mean memes for political reasons? Yeah, there are many more issues to worry about in California, memes is not one of them, but that is a branch of control. It's not a pipe dream, the UK and Australia is already doing it. How are you ok with that?

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Yesterday @ 9:12 PM ET
I'm sorry to everyone for starting this conversation. It wasn't my intent. Go Flyers!!
- Phillywhiteout

Yes. Absolutely ridiculous. I am outta here but before that.

I read here, ad nauseum, about how good economic things were in the great Error of Orange (2017-2020).

The primary authority that publishes such data for public use is the St. Louis Fed. Today, I just went to take a look. Here is the chart for rise in personal (post-tax) income after adjusting for inflation in the US the past 60 odd years.

You can see for yourself here and fool around with time window: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/A229RX0

As you can see, the trend line is pretty constant throughout political history. The two spikes you see in 2020 and 2021 is because of the stimulus payments* (you can confirm for yourself about the spikes by simply placing cursor on the graph there for exact dates of the spikes).

Iowt, before Covid, inflation adjusted income was rising at the rate it was ... pretty much always rising.

So, here is a question for some of you here. Instead of searching for wacko evidence of public events that are far removed from most American lives, why do you seem to seem to believe that things were so much better for Americans in that great Orange Era when, uh, the most authoritative data suggests otherwise?

What does this tell you about your own powers of judgment?

EDIT:* And plunging inflation as factories etc shut down.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Yesterday @ 9:13 PM ET

The daughter in law of RFK Jr. is Amaryllis Fox. She wrote a book about serving in the CIA. Fluffy read but lots of info about incredibly devious ways to kill people. Surely some of those could be employed instead of using some lonely, wasted souls with their pathetic AR attempts?

- PT21

They wanted the Kennedy assassination to look like a Cuban defector with a carbide rifle did it. They wouldn't want it to look professional.

What we don't know is how pathetic of an attempt it would've been if he had been able to get a shot or two off. That kid on a roof top came within a whisker and only missed because Trump turned his head.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Yesterday @ 9:15 PM ET
How does anyone explain that an individual can build a sniper nest with an opening for a shooting lane on a fence line on the golf course that the former President and current Republican nominee is going to play on. Sits there for 12 hours and is not spotted until the SS agent sees the gun barrel and shoots at him? There are only two possible answers that I can think of and neither of them are good.

I have actually have heard people say...

"If you don't want to get shot at then stop golfing!"

How does the SS not do a full sweep? I know Trump keeps saying how great SS is doing, but are they?

All I know is as November approaches, I expect something weird to happen to delay the election. Another outbreak? War?

Feeling that way and it happening would not be a coincidence.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Yesterday @ 9:15 PM ET
As for most of your post, I agree and that is something I have been asking myself. Why are these the people doing it? I would think a better trained person would get the job done. Then again if I wanted a patsy, I wouldn't want them to be too professional.

I stopped asking myself how the assailants planned it, I need to get the basic questions answered first...like how did some awkward kid walk by so many people with a ladder, a weapon then climb on a building while people are screaming "He has a gun" for 30 minutes? Everything else in the story I don't care about, how can that happen? It doesn't happen unless steps are made to allow it to happen.

As for feeling unempowered by the establishment...I don't have meth heads and homeless surrounding my house when I walk out my front door, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This crazy notion that "the man" doesn't exist to control the mass population is ludicrous, not the rapper. The history of civilization has always had an overseeing entity to control others.

Did you see the bill passed by that tard in California banning mean memes for political reasons? Yeah, there are many more issues to worry about in California, memes is not one of them, but that is a branch of control. It's not a pipe dream, the UK and Australia is already doing it. How are you ok with that?

- Glak18

I am not "ok" with it. California is full of left wing wackos. America is full of wackos. I laugh, shrug, and trust the system to equilibriate. As it assuredly will.

If these entities gained real power, I would be more worried.

That is only in danger of happening on one side.

Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Yesterday @ 9:17 PM ET
He has ruined whatever reputation he had with his horrendous and corrupt performance as attorney general

Comey and Mueller had undeserved sterling reputations. Now they’ve been disgraced. Obama overreached with the Garland nomination. He tried to sell him as a moderate.
But outside the bubble he was a known leftist partisan hack. If Obama had better judgment he could have gotten a sane left of center SC judge. But he swung for the fences and missed.

Garland was a disaster in the OK City bombing case. He hid and manipulated information and didn’t comply with lawful FOIA requests. There was ample evidence that the perp didn’t act alone.

Today Garland heads a weaponized DOJ that applies the law selectively and jails the opposition. He jailed Navarro and Bannon for the same thing he did. A totally corrupt organization that have lost the trust of the American people.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Yesterday @ 9:19 PM ET
Yes. Absolutely ridiculous. I am outta here but before that.

I read here, ad nauseum, about how good economic things were in the great Error of Orange (2017-2020).

The primary authority that publishes such data for public use is the St. Louis Fed. Today, I just went to take a look. Here is the chart for rise in personal (post-tax) income after adjusting for inflation in the US the past 60 odd years.

You can see for yourself here and fool around with time window: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/A229RX0

As you can see, the trend line is pretty constant throughout political history. The two spikes you see in 2020 and 2021 is because of the stimulus payments (you can confirm for yourself about the spikes by simply placing cursor on the graph there for exact dates of the spikes).

Iowt, before Covid, inflation adjusted income was rising at the rate it was ... pretty much always rising.

So, here is a question for some of you here. Instead of searching for wacko evidence of public events that are far removed from most American lives, why do you seem to seem to believe that things were so much better for Americans in that great Orange Era when, uh, the most authoritative data suggests otherwise?

What does this tell you about your own powers of judgment?

- PT21

My judgement? Well for most people they don't follow economic data charts, but they do realize how much things cost and how much they are paying now. I think most people are sick of being told they are liars for knowing what they pay for their bills.

Even though all these stories about living wages are out there, most Americans don't work at a fast food restaurant and realize their pay for their job is not increasing like burger flippers.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Yesterday @ 9:25 PM ET
I am not "ok" with it. California is full of left wing wackos. America is full of wackos. I laugh, shrug, and trust the system to equilibriate. As it assuredly will.

If these entities gained real power, I would be more worried.

That is only in danger of happening on one side.

- PT21

You're right. The left side.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Yesterday @ 9:27 PM ET
Comey and Mueller had undeserved sterling reputations. Now they’ve been disgraced. Obama overreached with the Garland nomination. He tried to sell him as a moderate.
But outside the bubble he was a known leftist partisan hack. If Obama had better judgment he could have gotten a sane left of center SC judge. But he swung for the fences and missed.

Garland was a disaster in the OK City bombing case. He hid and manipulated information and didn’t comply with lawful FOIA requests. There was ample evidence that the perp didn’t act alone.

Today Garland heads a weaponized DOJ that applies the law selectively and jails the opposition. He jailed Navarro and Bannon for the same thing he did. A totally corrupt organization that have lost the trust of the American people.

- Minnyhock

Let me see if I understand correctly.

Garland was an incompetent guy and a partisan hack to boot.

But, he was confirmed by 75% of senators a few years after leading the OK prosecution. And (after being rejected by Mcconell for a floor vote to SC because he was too left wing) was confirmed just 5 years later to the AG 70-30 (including public support and praise by McConnell and his own vote).

Folks, here is a classic case of trying to outsmart the system. Chances are, you end up revealing yourself as a guy who lacks basic common sense.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Yesterday @ 9:28 PM ET
Comey and Mueller had undeserved sterling reputations. Now they’ve been disgraced. Obama overreached with the Garland nomination. He tried to sell him as a moderate.
But outside the bubble he was a known leftist partisan hack. If Obama had better judgment he could have gotten a sane left of center SC judge. But he swung for the fences and missed.

Garland was a disaster in the OK City bombing case. He hid and manipulated information and didn’t comply with lawful FOIA requests. There was ample evidence that the perp didn’t act alone.

Today Garland heads a weaponized DOJ that applies the law selectively and jails the opposition. He jailed Navarro and Bannon for the same thing he did. A totally corrupt organization that have lost the trust of the American people.

- Minnyhock

All correct and unfortunately, the FBI also remains corrupt under Wray. Whom Trump put in place. One thing Trump has to do better is who he nominates for certain positions.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Yesterday @ 9:30 PM ET
My judgement? Well for most people they don't follow economic data charts, but they do realize how much things cost and how much they are paying now. I think most people are sick of being told they are liars for knowing what they pay for their bills.

Even though all these stories about living wages are out there, most Americans don't work at a fast food restaurant and realize their pay for their job is not increasing like burger flippers.

- Glak18

Dude, look at the chart. Inflation adjusted income is higher now than at all times during Trump's time before 2020.

Your income might not have kept up, but on average, the nation's has.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Yesterday @ 9:31 PM ET

So, here is a question for some of you here. Instead of searching for wacko evidence of public events that are far removed from most American lives, why do you seem to seem to believe that things were so much better for Americans in that great Orange Era when, uh, the most authoritative data suggests otherwise?

What does this tell you about your own powers of judgment?

EDIT:* And plunging inflation as factories etc shut down.

- PT21

You're gullible.

We don't believe it, we know it. How. We saw our paychecks. We paid our heating, gas and electric bills. We went to the grocery store and we put gas in our cars.

We made more money, we paid less taxes. Our cost of living was lower. It seems as though you aren't aware of the actual real data.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Yesterday @ 9:32 PM ET
All correct and unfortunately, the FBI also remains corrupt under Wray. Whom Trump put in place. One thing Trump has to do better is who he nominates for certain positions.

Agreed, Trump made many mistakes and trusted people he shouldn't. He says he will change that, but I still don't believe it until he does.

Personally I don't like the JD selection and will continue to feel it was a mistake as well. I would of been much more comfortable with Vivek or Gabbi as a running mate, but I believe their personalities were too big for Donald. I would love to see that pair run for 2028.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Yesterday @ 9:33 PM ET
Dude, look at the chart. Inflation adjusted income is higher now than at all times during Trump's time before 2020.

Your income might not have kept up, but on average, the nation's has.

- PT21

I know you don't want to let go of the chart, but I will ask you one thing...

Why are so many complaining? Is it a ploy? A big conspiracy?

Edit: Also I like how you always try to point back to ME, like it's MY fault. This is where you go "AHA GOTCHA", but I am in the middle of buying a couple more properties to invest in, but I don't judge a situation based on just me...a lot of Americans look at others too.

2008 was a BAD year for A LOT of people, but yes there were some people who did good, but that doesn't change the fact 2008 was BAD.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Yesterday @ 9:36 PM ET
I know you don't want to let go of the chart, but I will ask you one thing...

Why are so many complaining? Is it a ploy? A big conspiracy?

- Glak18

Just dumb Republican voters who are imagining it.

Why do polls overwhelmingly show that most Americans trust Trump more on the economy? Maybe they haven't seen that chart!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Yesterday @ 9:40 PM ET
Just dumb Republican voters who are imagining it.

Why do polls overwhelmingly show that most Americans trust Trump more on the economy? Maybe they haven't seen that chart!


I've seen so many charts on the economy and every damn one is different.

Although I enjoy the bar charts that look like someone made it real quick in MS paint.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Yesterday @ 9:41 PM ET
I know you don't want to let go of the chart, but I will ask you one thing...

Why are so many complaining? Is it a ploy? A big conspiracy?

- Glak18

1. Inflation has been very high, the second highest in my lifetime (after the OPEC caused inflation during Carter). And many wages in the lower end of the income spectrum has not kept up.

Some of the inflation can be blamed to government action, such as perhaps excessively generous stimulus checks. But it should be noted that sending a few hundred dollars to American households does not send the whole world into huge inflation, as did happen. It defies common sense, as well as economic sense. The supply shocks from the pandemic are the major culprit.

2. Biden comes across as weak. Many of the Trump supporters tend to be those who are the economic equivalent of Torts supporters. They mistake aggressive action for manliness and competency. They remember a time when there was masculine posturing in the Oval Office and project.

Let me ask you a question: If there are such basic economic realities out there, how come every single demographic group other than white men without college degrees support the other side? The Asians (including Indians and Chinese who are far wealthier than the average white guy). The blacks. The Latinos. The educated. And so on?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Yesterday @ 9:45 PM ET

Edit: Also I like how you always try to point back to ME, like it's MY fault. This is where you go "AHA GOTCHA", but I am in the middle of buying a couple more properties to invest in, but I don't judge a situation based on just me...a lot of Americans look at others too.

2008 was a BAD year for A LOT of people, but yes there were some people who did good, but that doesn't change the fact 2008 was BAD.

- Glak18

The gotcha thing you are imagining is because of your insecurities. I said nothing specifically about you.

The 2008 being bad on average shows up in figures*. The great Trump years being the best of our lifetimes doesn't and not even close.

EDIT*: 2008 -2012 expanded on chart:

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Yesterday @ 9:51 PM ET
1. Inflation has been very high, the second highest in my lifetime (after the OPEC caused inflation during Carter). And many wages in the lower end of the income spectrum has not kept up.

Some of the inflation can be blamed to government action, such as perhaps excessively generous stimulus checks. But it should be noted that sending a few hundred dollars to American households does not send the whole world into huge inflation, as did happen. It defies common sense, as well as economic sense. The supply shocks from the pandemic are the major culprit.

2. Biden comes across as weak. Many of the Trump supporters tend to be those who are the economic equivalent of Torts supporters. They mistake aggressive action for manliness and competency. They remember a time when there was masculine posturing in the Oval Office and project.

Let me ask you a question: If there are such basic economic realities out there, how come every single demographic group other than white men without college degrees support the other side? The Asians (including Indians and Chinese who are far wealthier than the average white guy). The blacks. The Latinos. The educated. And so on?

- PT21

Here is what you are incapable of understanding. From the Trump Presidency pre pandemic to now under Biden/Harris

Gas is up 38% (AAA

Food is up 21% (Axios)

Mortgage rates are up 148% (Market watch/Bankrate)

Home insurance up 61% (NAIC)

Car insurance up 118% (NAIC

Real wages are down 2.29% (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

The Biden/Harris administration has been a complete disaster. On the economy, on immigration, on National Security and in Foreign policy.

Under Trump the economy was good. Immigration under control and his Foreign policy was strong.

Compare how things were under Trump versus how they are now under Biden/Harris. Everything else is bullpoop.
Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Yesterday @ 9:54 PM ET
Let me see if I understand correctly.

Garland was an incompetent guy and a partisan hack to boot.

But, he was confirmed by 75% of senators a few years after leading the OK prosecution. And (after being rejected by Mcconell for a floor vote to SC because he was too left wing) was confirmed just 5 years later to the AG 70-30 (including public support and praise by McConnell and his own vote).

Folks, here is a classic case of trying to outsmart the system. Chances are, you end up revealing yourself as a guy who lacks basic common sense.

- PT21

You reveal yourself as as pseudo intellectual fraud. You are either extremely gullible and naive or just not very bright.

Lol. Confirmed by 75% of the Senate. Are you so willfully blind that you can’t see that DC is a cesspool of greed and corruption on both sides? Merrick Garland (((Garfinkel))) has long been corrupt. Mc Connell sells votes. His loyalty is to money.

You’re probably a boomer so I’m sure you still use Google. Let me recommend you use Brave for a day and see if you can find something truthful about what went down in the OK City trial.

You come on here with talking points from CNN,MSDNC, NPR, Guardian,BBC and other propaganda outlets and out yourself as clueless. You can still worship Garland but you’re outing yourself as clueless. The pompous intellectually superior presentation you bring every day is hilarious and shows deep insecurity.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Yesterday @ 9:57 PM ET
You reveal yourself as as pseudo intellectual fraud. You are either extremely gullible and naive or just not very bright.

Lol. Confirmed by 75% of the Senate. Are you so willfully blind that you can’t see that DC is a cesspool of greed and corruption on both sides? Merrick Garland (((Garfinkel))) has long been corrupt. Mc Connell sells votes. His loyalty is to money.

You’re probably a boomer so I’m sure you still use Google. Let me recommend you use Brave for a day and see if you can find something truthful about what went down in the OK City trial.

You come on here with talking points from CNN,MSDNC, NPR, Guardian,BBC and other propaganda outlets and out yourself as clueless. You can still worship Garland but you’re outing yourself as clueless. The pompous intellectually superior presentation you bring every day is hilarious and shows deep insecurity.

- Minnyhock

PT21 was exposed a long time ago. He keeps trying though. He is bitter because he can never be the intellectually superior being he so desperately wants to be.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Yesterday @ 9:58 PM ET
And on the topic of economics, the Fed cut interest rates by a full 50bps today.

A vast majority of relevant analysts and institutions surveyed said the Fed has actually pulled off a soft landing. If it has, this would be the only the 2nd time post WW2 that has been achieved. The first was Alan Greenspan after the Bush 41 recession in the mid nineties.

I cannot even say just how difficult a job this is. It takes millions of hours of work by thousands of economists and extremely detailed data.

And what does Trump want to do? He is a businessman, he says, so he has "an instinct about such things." He wants to have Presidential say in such decisions.

And people ask: why do so many educated people hate Trump?

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Yesterday @ 9:59 PM ET
1. Inflation has been very high, the second highest in my lifetime (after the OPEC caused inflation during Carter). And many wages in the lower end of the income spectrum has not kept up.

Some of the inflation can be blamed to government action, such as perhaps excessively generous stimulus checks. But it should be noted that sending a few hundred dollars to American households does not send the whole world into huge inflation, as did happen. It defies common sense, as well as economic sense. The supply shocks from the pandemic are the major culprit.

2. Biden comes across as weak. Many of the Trump supporters tend to be those who are the economic equivalent of Torts supporters. They mistake aggressive action for manliness and competency. They remember a time when there was masculine posturing in the Oval Office and project.

Let me ask you a question: If there are such basic economic realities out there, how come every single demographic group other than white men without college degrees support the other side? The Asians (including Indians and Chinese who are far wealthier than the average white guy). The blacks. The Latinos. The educated. And so on?

- PT21

That's interested that you say that...you forgot to say all women because poor women have no rights....only 2217 people have rights, the others don't have them.

The fact you think the only demographic Trump has is dumb white hillbillies says you're drinking the propaganda juice.

I can only imagine what you wrote down in your notes about me is, I have a feeling your head may explode.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Yesterday @ 10:00 PM ET
The gotcha thing you are imagining is because of your insecurities. I said nothing specifically about you.

The 2008 being bad on average shows up in figures*. The great Trump years being the best of our lifetimes doesn't and not even close.

EDIT*: 2008 -2012 expanded on chart:

- PT21

You even underlined it!

Dude, look at the chart. Inflation adjusted income is higher now than at all times during Trump's time before 2020.

Your income might not have kept up, but on average, the nation's has.

- PT21

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Yesterday @ 10:01 PM ET

And people ask: why do so many educated people hate Trump?

- PT21

Why do so many educated people support Trump? At least the smart ones do. You are living proof that educated people are not necessarily smart people. All you've got is bullpoop and crap that simply doesn't matter to the everyday American. How much does it cost us to live, Secure the border and keep us safe. Trump is the overwhelming better choice for all three.
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